An Explaination of Sorts

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    In the Sorcerer's Stone, another girl was present. Another girl, who was injured, by Fluffy. She made it through the Devil's Snare with her three friends, but stayed in that chamber, because she could walk no further.

    In the Chamber of Secrets, another girl was present. Another girl, who was petrified, by the basilisk. She too had seen Hermione's notes, and was wandering the halls, listening to the walls. When she reached the girls bathroom in the dungeons, she saw the basilisk in the mirror.

    In the Prisoner of Azkaban, another girl was present. A girl who, upon realizing how wrong they had been, was ashamed. She loved Moony and Padfoot for all they had been through, and in days to come she would do all she could for Padfoot to make up for how they had been wrong, and care for Moony when he needed it most. A girl who too was injured, but by Moony himself. A girl who, against what Hermione and Harry thought, was awake, and after Dumbledore left, moved from her hospital bed to go with them.

    In the Goblet of Fire, another girl was present. A girl who believed in Harry when he told her that he hadn't put his name in- she wasn't a girl to doubt her best friends. She was a girl who was concerned for him, worried, scared that something might happen. She cried when he came out of the maze, but not for Cedric. For Harry's emotional toll and loss. A girl who felt cheated by not being chosen to be a lost thing in the lake, but safer all for it.

    In the Order of Phoenix, another girl was present. A girl who was eager to help, dead-set on doing the right thing, scared as she was. A timid girl, not wanting to speak in front of large groups but feeling safe among the Order, among those who had been her friends and teachers. A girl who cried alone in her room after Sirius' death, for she felt that should she cry in Harry's presence she would cheat him of his grief. A girl who found comfort in the little things that made her happy, but still stood alone while those who didn't have someone fell in place with other lonely souls all around her- Bill and Fleur, Remus and Tonks, Ron and Hermione, Harry and Ginny. Fred and George, too, had each other. Formerly she had had someone... But the girl had lost him over a petty quarrel, and hadn't spoken since.

    In the Half-Blood Prince, another girl was present. A girl who cried at Dumbledore's death, a girl who was quick to blame Severus Snape, because she believed that even if you were acting on orders, it wasn't right to kill the person who asked you to. A girl who was quick to accuse him of actually being on the Dark Lord's side, who believed what Harry said out of loyalty and stubborn pride.

    In the Deathly Hallows, another girl was present. A girl who suffered with the trio, was separated emotionally from the trio, who did her best to keep her feelings for Harry in check as she was out with the trio, because he had Ginny waiting back home. A girl who shared Hermione's humanly desires, who gave her another girl to talk to- the girl who somehow had been forgotten among all the press. The golden trio and the silver shadow. That girl stayed strong however, and didn't let it keep her down.

That girl was unafraid to say his name.
That girl could not find love.
That girl was me.

And that girl was the fourth.

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