Chapter 2 ~Attacked and Hurt~

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~Hannah's Pov~      

My eyelids fluttered open to a familiar room, Ben's. "What happened last night?" I murmured as I sat up, rubbing my eyes. Only to find my body writhing in pain as I fell back down. I looked down at myself and noticed that I was only in a bra. I gasped, my dream, wasn't a dream, my mate must have raped me! He just couldn't wait for the right moment" I said, annoyed. I reached for the rest of my clothes, my arms writhing in pain as I pulled them onto my bruised body. I quickly got off the bed and ran to the door, turning the handle and stepping out into the hallway. I needed my brother, he was the most comforting in times like this, we were so close and he was the only one I could trust in this house. Since our parents died, we lived in this large house with the other werewolves in our pack.

As I reached Jason's bedroom door, my hand reached out to knock but I was so out of breath and pained that I slipped to the floor, my body falling against the door and making a loud bang. I heard Jason's footsteps coming towards the door and he opened it, my body fell in, limp. "Hannah!" he yelled, running to my side. I stared into his warm brown eyes and his sandy blonde hair that covered his face until he flicked it to the side. Then he picked me up, bridal stile, to lead me to his bed, where he sat with me on his lap. "Are you ok?" he said, looking into my eyes. "No!" I said as my eyes welled up and I burst out in tears. Jason pulled me close to him and patted my back, shushing me. "What have you done with yourself?" he whispered calmly. "Ben, he.. he... he" I whimpered. "What?" my brother whispered, comfortingly, "You know you can tell me anything" He looked down at me, his eyes full of curiosity. "He, he, he raped me" I said and burrowed my head into his shoulder. But he quickly jerked it off, yelling "WHAT, ARE YOU SERIOUS!" he was suddenly alert about what I was saying. "I'm going kick his ass!" he yelled and he gently lifted me off his lap, placed me on his bed and ran out of the room.

I heard Jason and Ben cursing at each other for ages until I started hearing massive booms, bangs and squeals of pain, they must have turned into wolf form. Then I heard one loud yell "Ask her, she'll think that it wasn't my fault!" And then Ben, now in human form, slammed open the door and stormed over to me, grabbing my arm and jerking me upwards. I winced in pain and fell to the floor as he kneeled down and cupped my face in his hands. "Hannah, you know that I wouldn't do anything to hurt you, you trust me of course, don't you?" I shrugged his hands off and looked down at the ground "I can't!" I whispered between sniffs. I heard a growl and as I looked up to see Ben, now in wolf form, he let out an angry snarl and lunged at me. I squeezed my eyes closed and screamed, ready to be under heavy weight, scratched to death too, maybe. But just as I thought he should be on me, I opened my eyes to see Ben, lying on the floor, unconscious, with Jason standing above him. "Yeah, the power of the Beta!" Jason boasted, punching out in front of him and nodding his head, looking cool I guess.

Jason was the beta of our pack and the alpha was a hot dude called Chase. Chase was so hot because he had tanned skin, a six pack, brown hair (a lot like Jason's), deep brown eyes and a hell of a lot of muscles! He was smokin', well, in my opinion and speak of the devil I suddenly heard yelling from downstairs and I tuned into it "What has happened up there, are you guys alright, ok, don't answer me, I’m comin' up!" And with that, I heard quick footsteps on the stairs and soon he was standing at the door of the room, looking so incredibly hot. Then he looked down at Ben on the ground and across at Jason, then to me, scrunched up on the floor. "I want the whole story and I want it now!" he yelled towards Jason. "Can we at least make sure she's ok first?" Jason said pleadingly, pointing in my direction. "Sure, but you better spill it afterwards." Chase said and with that, he started walking towards me and picked me up slowly, in case of dangerous injuries, then he started walking downstairs towards the lounge, where he placed me and went to call the wolf doctor. The whole time I had stared up at his face and he just walked on, chuckling.

After he had rung up Dr. Walshma, he came and sat next to me on the couch, Jason joining him. "Your going to be ok, Hannah!" was just one of the comforting phrases they both shared in giving me. Then there was a knocking at the door and in walked Dr. Walshma and her little boy, Holden. "Over here" said Jason, raising his hand and Dr. Walshma hurried over, dropping her bags on the ground next to me. "I would appreciate it if you would go away, boys!" she said, gesturing towards the door. Jason and Chase stood up and walked out of the room. "Oh darlin', you sure got a pounding" she said, and then her eyes grew wide. "Oh my god, are you ok, you've been, you've been!" "Raped" I said, like it was nothing. "Poor thing!"

~Jason's Pov~

I looked at my bruised and battered sister as I stepped out of the room. Her once gleaming hazel eyes were now gloomy and unhappy. Her once bouncy, wavy brown hair was now drooping. Her pale skin was covered in purple and green bruises. She didn't deserve this, not one bit. "We better go and check on Ben" Chase said, interrupting my trance and we both walked upstairs towards my room. When got there, Ben had woken up and was sitting on the floor cross legged. As we walked towards him, he lifted his head up to face us, a snarl on his face. "You will not keep me away from her!" he yelled at us and ran in the other direction, towards the window, changing to wolf as he jumped out of it. "What!" I yelled in distress as we both changed into our wolves and sprung out of the room and down the stairs.

When we reached the lounge room, I breathed a sigh of relief as noticed he hadn't gone there. Dr. Walshma looked up at us "Please go away" she said, a look of worry on her face. So me and Ben walked away, to allow the doctor to work swiftly. "We better send out a fully armed search party, we don’t know how crazy this wolf has gone!" said Chase, a superior look on his face. "Yes, that’s a great idea, gather ten trained wolves and lead them towards the forest, knowing him, he's bound to be there." I said. "Ok, prepare a cage, we don't know how crazy he'll be and we can't risk anything" Chase ordered me as he walked off.

I ran to the shed and slid open the old, rusted doors that led me inside. It was pitch black so I quickly ran back outside and grabbed the big torch from the kitchen. As I ran back, the doors were pulled even further than I had pulled them, and the left one was half snapped. I slowly walked towards the entrance and shined the torch inside. I saw a million spiders and creepy crawlies, but that’s not what bothered me, Ben was sitting down in the furthest corner, his arms gripping his legs. He was whimpering, tears slipping out of his eyes and dancing down his red face. But strangely, as he cried, he sometimes jerked out an arm or a leg, he had to be completely mad. As I walked closer, he looked up at me "No, no!" he yelled in fright "Get away from me, don't kill me, all I wanted was your sister, I don't want to die!" he whimpered. "It's ok, I’m not going to hurt you, I’m going to get someone to help you, don't worry." I said, trying to be comforting.

With that, I turned around to walk outside and find Chase. But as I stepped forward, something grabbed my ankle. I turned around and Ben was looking up at me with an evil snarl. "Ha ha ha" he cackled. What have I done!


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This chapter is dedicated to crazies as she couldn't wait for me to post more and kept bothering me, hehe! She writes truly amazing books, she also has a werewolf story called Never Leaving You, there's only one chapter so far, but  its really good!

Also I found a celebrity to be Hannah, pic of her on the side!!!!!!

Tell me if you think its a bad decision, or if you know someone better!!


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