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Running against the morning breeze i could feel my skin tighten by each passing wind,the barking of the dogs only increased my adrenaline I had to run I had to to be out before it became too late.... Into the west wing I could see the outline of the west wall coming out from the trees with one wishful thrust I was out. The darkness of the world engulfing my soul, a world i knew nothing of its existence, a world I was out to adventure a world behind the closed walls. I ran on not wanting to give any opportunist a dime to catch up.Looking back watching my grounds. Too bad I didn't believe in an supernatural being the Almighty King, as I once had Mr.H call Him, cause this would be his opportune time to turn me in a pillar of salt.....My thoughts are cut short another gunshot they were out with me out to catch me at whatever cost......Running......that's all i had left.....a road , some light.....I can make it

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