1. Lost and Found

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I glared up at the sky as I felt the first drop of rain hit my cheek and slide its way down my cold skin.

Here I stood, silently challenging the sky with nothing but a potato sac stuffed with random clothing, some personal belongings, and my beloved twinkie stash to accompany me with. And the absurdity of my absurd situation in my even more absurd life? The fact that a pea had gotten me here. Yes, a single green piece of food that I had grown to love over the recent events in my life.

I reminisced back to a couple of hours ago, when my evil step-sister straight out of Cinderella had come and sat down at the dinner table. I had done a great job of ignoring her stupid smug look and her even more stupid comments, knowing that ignoring her was the best option. Then she had taken it to the next level. The little devil had the balls to flick an icky green pea right in the middle of my face. Now I don't have much self control, but somehow I managed to simply brush it off and ignore her. But that of course wasn't the reaction she was looking for, so she had grabbed a handful of the peas in her plate with her ugly bear hands and chucked them at me like a freaking snowball. I had looked over at my mother and step-father, but they skillfully avoided me, knowing not to say anything to El Diablo. That's what I called her. It meant the devil in Spanish. Perfect nick name right? Well anyways, back to how I ended up here. El Diablo had given me the biggest, ugliest smirk that ever existed, snapping any trace of self control and patience inside of me.

What happened next was a slight blur to me, but I remember vividly how I lunged across the table and started pounding her face with my fists, finally completing my one and only life goal. After successfully knocking her out unconscious with my pathetic family screaming at me in horror, El Diablo's daddy dearest had ordered the guards to throw me out of the palace of hell. I couldn't have been any happier. I liked to think that I was an innocent little prisoner stuck in the palace of hell and surrounded by the devil, her wuss of a father, and my psychotic mother.

So I packed my bags, stuffing in only my necessities and a picture of my real family, and had left with a smug look, never forgetting the look on El Diablo's battered and bloodied face. Fear. Pure fear.

Back to the present, here I was, stranded in the middle of nowhere with with nothing except for half my stash of twinkies for food and a small blanket for shelter. I had no clue where I was supposed to go and didn't know this town. I had grown up here half my life but like any other prisoner, I never got to leave that jail cell palace. I had been walking for what seemed like hours with aching legs, a howling stomach and chattering teeth.

Switching my sac of belongings over to my left shoulder now, I continued trudging down the road to who knows where.

By the time I had gotten five steps away, the rain had picked up, accepting my challenge to pissing me off further, and I was now drenched head to toe.

I looked up at the sky and let out an annoyed yell. "Really?" I exclaimed, before kicking at a rock nearby and storming ahead.

So far there had been no signs of civilization. All I could do now was hope.

Slowing down my pace, I twisted my bag around and dug my hand in it, slightly relaxing as I felt the wrapper of one of my twinkies. I pulled it out and fixed my sac back over my shoulder, before continuing on and not looking up. I was too busy grinning down at my lovely best friend, Mr. Twinkie, and unwrapping him.

I glanced back up as I took a bite of Mr. Twinkie and my teeth suddenly halted in the murdering of Mr. Twinkie. My jaw dropped open as I saw a small cottage house up ahead with light streaming out of the windows and smoke flowing out of the chimney.

I looked down at my decapitated twinkie, before grinning back at the cottage. I couldn't contain my excitement any longer and fist pumped the air before sprinting towards the cottage.

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