Getting To Know Him

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After we finished unpacking she said she had to go home, and she pick her phone up off my night stand and leaves a piece of paper there. I act like it's not there and once I heard her leave I got the paper and it read:

Hey Johnny I gave you my number just in case you need help with any thing. Just so u know I have online school. (830)(688-2764)
Alexis's POV
When we finished unpacking I told him I had to go. So I grabbed my phone and left a paper on his nightstand. I don't think he noticed but oh well. So I went home and changed into my PJ's.

And that's when I got a text it was from Johnny

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And that's when I got a text it was from Johnny.

Johnny💋: Hey this is Johnny I got your note maybe you could give me a tour of the town.
Me: oh hey Johnny yea sure how about tomorrow at 12:00
Johnny💋:yea I would love to

He's the OneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora