Chapter Two

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Kylar walked over to his own horse. Adrella was a beautiful mare white fur white as fresh winters snow. He had grown up with Adrella around and many had tried to buy her for fortunes and jewels, but he always told them she was not for sale.

They had bonded when she was just a faol and him a small child. Adrella was the fastest horse Kylar had ever seen. He trained her when they were young to only let him ride her. If anyone else got on her she would buck her back side into the air and throw them off. Adrella also knew how to walk and trot on soft spots of the earth making her silent.

They understood each other, but there was one thing he told nobody. She and him were special. They could read each other's thoughts. Their emotions were also connected and they felt whatever the other felt. Adrella was the queen of all horses and chose kylar when they were both young. She was a wild horse that could never be tamed. Not even by Kylar.

It was a blessing that she chose him to bond with and they weren't horse and rider, they were partners. How are you doing little one? Adrella asked him through their thoughts. Kylar felt a faint sense of sorrow in her vast emotions. I don't understand. Where is keira and the rest of my family?

Adrella whinnied and he felt a sense of anger rush through her. They rushed out and everyone but Kiera left. She stayed saying something about you. Kylar opened the door into Ardella's sleeping stable. Kylar let her sleep there and stay near the horses when she wants to. Adrella stepped out and Kylar took out the small saddle that was barely a saddle and was just thin enough to hold him comfortably and give her free movement.

He walked Adrella over to Abbacus and placed a saddle on Abbucus as well tightening it around the horse's soft belly. He had just finished putting everything into place when Kiera ran in with a panic look on her face. She ran at him and hugged him almost squeezing him half to death. "Oh thank the fallen seven you are alive!" she said.

"Me? Thank god i'm alive? What about you? Where in the seven calls have you been?" Kylar

Asked while hugging her fiercely. Kylar. Adrella's voice was clear in his head. Something is wrong.

Kylar turned to the horses and then glanced back at Kiera. "Where are they?" he asked Kiera seriously. She understood that he meant the rest of the family and said "They got a letter of urgency from the town, apparently there have been Cal-drossi attacks along the edges of the farmhouses outside of the town."

"Seven calls." Kylar grimaced. If they were attacking along the outskirts of town, then that meant there were Cal-drossi nearby. Running into the house, Kylar grabs his bow and quiver of twenty and four arrows.

When he got back to Kiera, she was already on Abbacus. Kylar mounted Adrella with ease from years of practice. Are you ready little one? Kylar gave a nod and they were off the sound of Abbacus' hooves pounding from a little ways behind him. We've got company! She yelled into his mind.

Kylar turned back seeing the Cal-drossi running at incredible speeds toward them on their hind green scaley legs. They were around seven feet tall and looked like a man-snake like figure. There were four of them hissing and slashing their three inch claws out at their sides.

Knocking an arrow from his quiver he held his bow at the ready. Adrella can you keep the four and three pace at this speed? He asked mentally. I am the queen of all horses, of course i can. Be careful little one. He chuckled. I always am

Kylar slowly turned his body and drew an arrow. He let it fly towards the first Drossi and in a second had another arrow flying towards the second. The two drossi that were left screamed wildly and redoubled their speed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2016 ⏰

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