Chapter One

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'Zari get up, i don't want you to be late again.' My mum yelled from downstairs. Can't a human just sleep in peace? I was just having a dream about this really beautiful man on a unicorn. I slowly get up out of bed and walk to my closet, a pair of jeans with a white shirt will do I guess. While walking to the bathroom I almost stumbled over Mike our old grey cat. Why does he always have to sleep in the middle of the path? By the time I turned on the shower I only had 25 minutes left so i had to hurry; But of course i almost tripped while washing my body because some soap fell on the floor. Could this morning possibly get any worse? after drying myself and trying to fit into my skinny jeans I put on my glasses so I could finally see again. While trying to make a decent bun in my hair I realised that I hadn't combed it through. So I attempted to brush through my knots and threw my hair up in a bun. I ran to the stairs and almost stumbled again. You've probably noticed by now that that's one of my many talents, stumbling.

'Zari get back here you can't leave without eating!'

'Actually I can, watch me.' I walked towards the door and opened it. 'Zari I'm serious, get back here, now.' My mum told me while looking pretty pissed off. 'Alright, alright I was only joking. Why would I leave without eating? I laughed. After grabbing an apple I gave my mum a kiss on her cheek and walked to school.

At school I'm a pretty normal person, I try to get good grades and pay attention. Some people call me a nerd because I'm always so serious in class, but I don't think I am. Only because I like knowing things doesn't mean I'm a nerd. I recently found out that on Venus it snows pieces of metal, isn't that cool? I really want to see that one day; And I also found out that your body paralyses itself when you sleep to keep you from acting out your dreams. I mean come on those facts are interesting. Okay, maybe I am a bit of a nerd. When i arrived at school i walked straight to my locker and grabbed my books for my first class.

After some really long and boring hours it was finally lunchtime, my favourite time of the day. I walked straight towards the cafeteria and waited in line to get some food; But of course all the good stuff was already gone. I grabbed a sandwich with cheese and some yoghurt and walked towards the table I always sit at. I only have three friends in school and we always sit together at this table, Blossom, Ruth and Raymond. 'Well hello there my best friend' said Ruth with a smile. I took a seat next to Ray and said, 'Hey guys, have y'all heard of that party everyone's talking about?'

'Yes, omg I really want to go, all the cool kids are going and it —'

'We know Blossom, Ray said and rolled his eyes with a laugh. 'It's gonna be so rad!'  He tried to talk in a high pitched voice but failed miserably. 'I don't know if I'm going, I mean I'm not really the party type and —'

'Zari, you're going. We're all going together.' Ruth looked at me with a really serious face and I knew i couldn't change her mind. To the party it is then. 'Alright, I'll go.'

While walking to my last class for the day I was trying to grab my phone out of my back and wasn't really paying attention to where I was going; So of course I bumped into someone and almost fell again. Just before I could hit the ground strong arms grabbed me and pulled me back on my feet. I looked up and stared straight into the eyes of Austin Collins. He took a step to the side while saying, 'Next time, watch where you're going' and walked away.

Austin Collins, the schools hotshot, the boy all the girls want and dream about, the mysterious dude with dark hair and bright blue eyes just talked to me. wait, oh my, he actually talked to me. Let's just say we have gone to the same school for practically all our life, since we were four, and not one time has he talked or looked at me. Not once. I must be dreaming. How does breathing work again? I remember something about exhaling but nothing else. How can a person be so hot? I think it's save to say that I have a crush on Austin, I've had a crush on him for a long time, but he's out of my league. I rushed to my last class and sat next to Raymond but I couldn't focus in class because my mind kept wandering and thinking about Austin.

While walking home I remembered my mom telling me to buy food for dinner so instead of taking a left i turned right towards the supermarket. I really like to go to the supermarket because I get to decide what we eat, which usually is something unhealthy. When I arrived home with my bag full of groceries I walked into the kitchen and put everything at the right place. My mum is late from work almost everyday so I usually do my homework and cook while I wait for her. Me and my mum have never really had a really close bond. I don't know what it is but sometimes I just get the feeling that I don't belong here and that she is not my actual mum; And I know that that's crazy but I think about that a lot.

I decided to watch some tv to pass the time when i suddenly heard my phone ringing. 'Hello this is Zariah, i answered. 'Hey darling, I can't make it to dinner so you have to eat alone. We've got a lot of patients and not enough doctors so i won't be home till one or two in the morning.' It was my mum. she's always busy with her work and is barely home. A little disappointed I answer, 'Oh it's okay mum, good luck with the operations.'

'thank you honey! And don't go to sleep to late, you have school tomorrow. bye!'

'bye mum.' I turned my phone off and walked towards the kitchen. On the bright side, now there's more pizza for me!

After I ate and watched tv for to long i decided to go to sleep; I turned all the lights off and walked towards my room. I put my pyjamas on and did all the other fun stuff you're supposed to do before you go to bed. This was such a long day I can't wait to get my retirement. I thought while I jumped in my bed and closing my eyes.

I woke up from a noise and assumed that it was my mum, so I grabbed my glasses and walked downstairs. 'Mum, is that you? Are you home?' I checked the time on my phone and it read 1:27. After I got no respond I called for her again 'Mum are you home?' I walked into the living room and looked out of the window. Her car isn't here, so she's not home. But then what was that noise?

I walked back to the stairs when i heard the noise again. It came from our bookshelf. I walked towards it and looked for something that makes a noise. I noticed a small book that lights up a little. When i reached for it, it made a noise again. I scream at the top of my lungs and drop the book. After two minutes of me freaking out I looked at the book again and saw that the book doesn't light up, but the text on the front does. I picked it up and looked at it, it read Zariah Rae Valor Adara. Wait my name is Zariah, is this like my full name or something? I opened it to the first page and began to read. Zariah Rae Vallor Adara also known as Zariah Johnson. No way this book is about me. I tried to read more things but most of it I can't read. It's in some sort of weird language that I don't speak. The only things I could read where my birthday, the fact that I'm adopted and the names of my real parents. I can't believe my mum never told me that I'm adopted, I'm old enough to know and she can't keep things like this a secret from me. I go all the way to the last page and see a necklace under the wrapper of the book. It is a little necklace with a small hanger on it that looks like a planet. I put the book in the pocket of my pyjama pants and put the necklace on. Suddenly everything goes black...

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