Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I grabbed my keys as I left the bar, relieved that I was finally done my shift. If I had to be Brandon's waitress for one more second, I would have lost my mind. I slipped into my car, quickly turning it on as I threw my purse onto my passenger seat. I buckled myself in before backing out, excited to get home and shower. However, my plans were crushed when I suddenly rammed into someone's car, causing both of us to spin a little. Once my car came to a complete stop, I opened my eyes, gaping at the sports car beside mine.


I nervously watched as Brandon slowly exited his car, his dark eyes shining with the same anger that scared me. I gulped, my eyes watching him as he made his way to my side of my car. When he suddenly knocked on my window, roughly, I jumped. I swiftly rolled my window down, staring at him with a deer in the headlights type of look.

"Why am I not surprised?" he sneered. "You've always been an idiot."

I swallowed, "I-I'm sorry, I'm tired and-

"That's not excuse! You're just being the same fucking idiot you have always been!" he snapped.

"Listen, I'll pay for the damage-

"Damn straight." he hissed, cutting me off.

I clamped my mouth shut, too scared to say anything else. If there's one thing I know about Brandon, it's his extreme love for his fancy sport car. I swear, it's the only thing he loves more than himself.

"If my girl is hurt because of you, you're paying her hospital bill too." he growled.

I slowly turned my attention to his 'girl', she was climbing out of the car as if nothing happened. She sighed, smoothed down her dress, and walked over to Brandon. When she saw it was me, she frowned.

"Oh dear, are you okay?" she asked softly.

I quietly nodded.

"Bran, the damage isn't too bad on your car. It'll still cost a lot of money though." she mumbled, glancing at the car.

Brandon sighed, "I know babe, I know. That's why, Avalon here, will be paying for it. Not only that, but she'll also pay me extra money so I don't sue her pathetic ass." he smirked.

I gaped at him, "You can't be serious!"

"Oh, but I am, sweetheart."

"Bran, come on, I doubt she can afford any of this. She works as a waitress in a bar! No offence, miss." she exclaimed.

"None taken." I bit out.

"Well, she better find herself a second job that pays more then." Brandon grinned.

As he went to call his insurance company and talk to the cops, I banged my head against my wheel. Why can' I do anything right for once?


I slowly opened my eyes, wincing at the bright sunlight shining through my window. I sighed and grabbed my phone, groaning at the time. After my busy night last night with that car crash, I was dead tired. I was glad that I had my stuff still and wasn't arrested, as long as I pay Brandon though. He had me stay up until two in the morning, figuring out the cost for his car.

Twelve hundred dollars for the damage to his car and another two thousand to him. At this point, I would just go being sued. I pulled myself out of bed, wincing at the slight ache in my head. Slamming my head against the wheel wasn't the greatest idea, especially after smacking it on the window when I hit Brandon.

Avalon's CEO Nightmare #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now