So... Yea

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*In Leafy's Room; this is after they made today's video together*
*Today being the "I've Lost All Hope" Video from 7/21/16*
Leafy: So... Uh... I was thinking... How about we actually go to the movies? I mean, we can't sit in here all fucking day, ya'know?

Femmie: What the fuck you seriously want all that fanart shit to happen you sexist! I'm TRIGGERED

I just thought that we might as well go because my fanbase are all a bunch of perverts who would probably ship us either way, so why the fuck not, am I right?
*nervously laughs*

Femmie: Fine fine or wait.... we can pre record more videos ya know ?

Leafy: Yea sure... But I'm already seeing a shit ton of likes... So it looks like I'm gonna have to do facecam again... And I'm not ready to do that yet. So let's just go, okay?

Femmie: Alright! Fine! You racist pineapple son of a minecraft YouTuber.

Leafy: Hey hey! I identify as a fucking fruit roll up. Respect it, you mug.
*grabs keys*
Now let's get the fuck outta here.

*15 minutes later, at the movie entrance*

Leafy: Wait... What movie are we about to watch?

Femmie: I don't fucking know! Wait..... isn't there a new Pepe romcom?

Leafy: Oh shit, that fucking legend! Wait... Romcom? There better be a whole lot of comedy
Like this shit better be funnier then Killer Gnomestar's failing career.

*goes to pay for movie*

Femmie: You better not be trying to sneak drugs in Leafy, plus you better have enough money you ass.

Leafy: Shut the fuck up! Don't blow my cover, I just got a new shipment of marijuana, I'm trying to make a living man.
And of course I have enough money, what do you think I do with it, wipe my ass? Take a fucking shower?
I have standards man

*pulls out a 20; hands to cashier*

Leafy: 2 tickets to "Pepe is Love, Pepe is Life", please.

Cashier: Sir, I haven't even told you the price ye-

Leafy: Sh sh sh sh sh... Just take it.

Cashier: Okay then *thoughts: This guy is a fucking lunatic*

Leafy: *slides an extra $20*
Keep the change and have this, get yourself something nice.

Cashier: *thoughts: This guy is a SEXIST fucking lunatic;
cringes* Thank you, please make you way to the theater.

Femmie: Bitch that was gonna be my money Leafy you cuc succ c'mmon lets go watch this beautifully sexist fucking shitstain of a movie and you better share those drugz mate

Leafy: No way, you fuck these drugs are gonna be the money for my next fucking payment on pornhub my membership only lasted for 2 weeks like you in this fucking business

*enters theater*

Leafy: Now let's enjoy the movie without any fucking interruptions, okay?

Femmie: I'm not gonna promise anything because you are a racist fucknut. And we better get food after this shit.

Leafy: Ah for fucks sake- just take a fucking seat you tinky winky off the molly looking motherfucker.

*sits down*

Femmie: *sits next to Leafy* go fuck yourself leaf cum

Leafy: Go fuck Jacob Satorious, Mrs. Fucking Gnomestar.

Let's Fuck in A Public Bathroom! (Leafy x Femmy)Where stories live. Discover now