♥️An important message to read and Welcome back!♥️

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Hi people! Awwww yes! So happy to be back writing this 2 story (Which i kinda hate it a little because admin-chan needs break! chuuu~*Crys* but you guys force me to type this story..Chuuuu~) Also! Hello to all people who is new here! Also i recommended you to read my 1 book of "Bad Boy"first before this because you might get confuse of what the hell is the story all about? Where's the check point? blablabla yadayadayada....So yeah please check that out first then come back and read this.

Also guys quick message that this story i am doing...You know the last chapter 19 that someone was spying reader-chan nearby where the crime scene is. I wonder who would t be? Hmmmmmmm......Like i said! Make theories of t guys! make it! mwhahaha! Also this will be a huge twist...end of the chapter? No....somewhere3x. I aint telling ya because its a secret mwhaha! Please dont kill me that your favorite senpai (Whoever your senpai is) is the vilian. Because i am gonna make this story very intresting...it may take times really. i am really focus on this story! i am so pumped up!

This story is less romance....but there is...uhh lets say...humor....I admin Hime-chan will bein this story as well! But not in the first chapter of course! Its somewhere...Also for those of you guys comment the last post i update in my first book which is "Who wants to be in a 2 book?" Wow! never thought you guys love Levi so much! like seriously guys! your personilty is Levi! LEVI! why is it have to be Levi?! i mean i aint complain but wow! Also nice name lol! Your name...will appear in any chapter...so you better know whats your name (Also of course i am gonna put our full name so its not so confusing)

Thats all i wanted to say to you guys i hope you enjoy reading book! (I hope ok! no promise people!) Its good to be back! Also!!! chpater 1 is already been published now! like right NOW! So check that out! and bye bye for now! (No...actually i am gonna teleport to chapter 1 *Teleport to chapter 1*)

(Btw who's my fan here! Raise up your hand........You better raise up yoh hand or I"ll kill you!........Dawww just kidding😊 I am just curious lol)

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