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Building that is full potential and stretches its hand further to the sky.
Dimensional facade of the architectural art.
Sun beams reflects the shimmer of the marble stone.
Sandy chips of the historical monument chipping away at your soul.
Across the street we stare at the perfect picture mentally snapping in our mind.
The skyscraper is a symbol of hope
for children to reach like they are giant building blocks of their imagination.
Walking past the window designed of direction in your place
where your impression of you where you will become in the window of your handprint.
Doors are our entrance to life
and the new beginning to our destiny.
Push the doors to your interpretation by climbing the stairs to the future
exceeding your reach to the stairs and sky.
Each floor is a layer in the next opportunity to what is yet to come.
Every room individually represents each layer of your thoughts.
Each wall has a secret that whispers advice for inspiration to their ears.
The light bulbs are witnesses to an idea that comes to life.

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