Spanks and Timeouts

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I woke up to a wet diaper, I'm disappointed because I wanted to make a poopy mess. My little sister walked in and took the pacifier out of my mouth! tears started to well up in my eyes and she taunted me, "Baby Leah went pee pee in her diapee!! You're too old for that baby!" she pinched my cheeks and had a box of laxatives and she put them in my bottle! she told me if I didn't listen then she'd spank me! she's only 14! I drank my bottle and instantly had an upset stomach, I didn't want to mess my diaper I'm front of her, "Mommy!!" I yelled. right when mama walked in I had to let go, my diaper swelled up fast and my sister pointed and laughed at me. She took some pictures. She isn't the sister I used to take pull ups from, that sister is now 5. I kept pooping and threw my paci at my sister Kendra, mommy got really mad at me and put me in the corner for time out and told me she wouldn't change me until I learn to be good. the poop kept coming and I was about to overflow. I sat there in joy, I finally got what I wanted. Mommy came in and I asked if she could change me, she put a fresh thick diaper on me and put me in a pink onsie that clipped down by my crotch. My hair was in pig tails with little bows. I wanted to be a real little so when mommy was done changing me I forgot the purpose of my legs and wanted to crawl around. My aunt came over and she coed at me and thought I was a cute little thing. Auntie El strapped me into a car seat and drove me to a play land where actual toddlers played. I was so excited! "carry me!" I said with grabby hands. I was playing with a new friend, her name was Gabby. I felt embarrassed because I had to go to the bathroom but the other moms kept staring at me. I grunted and my face was getting red. I heard the moms talking. they knew I had to poop. I ran into a corner and pushed. I started to cry and wail, I couldn't go. my aunt came running to me, "what's wrong baby girl?" I sniffled, "can't go poo poo, it hurts" I whined. I was mad that we had to leave and threw a tantrum in the car, I wanted my new friends to play with. my aunt was frustrated and when I got home, Mommy spanked me and put me down for a nap. I woke up to a very poopy diaper and this time, Kendra had to change me

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