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1.The Bet

Riley begins her first year of high school,as she meets Lucas and likes him at first sight.Farkle and Zay make a bet about Riley,while Charlie develops crush on Riley yet again.Smackle convinces Josh that Maya cheated on him over summer vacation.

2.The Friend Connection

Lucas and Riley get closer,while Farkle tries to find a way to become her friend.Josh blackmails Smackle to tell him with whom did Maya cheat on him.Maya befriends Zay as she explains him her complicated love life.

3.Three's a Crowd

Lucas and Farkle compete for Riley's attention,as she wants to spend more time with Lucas,but it's impossible.Josh decides to break up with Maya because of not trusting her,while Smackle begins to feel left out when Farkle doesn't pay enough attention to her.

4.Meeting Lucas Friar

Riley wants to know more about Lucas,while he remains mysterious about his life until now.Josh gets depressed because he still loves Maya,while Maya finds a way to forget about Josh and gets into more trouble with wrong person.Zay is convinced that Farkle feels even more jealousy over Lucas and Riley being close with each other.

5.Faking Up Is Hard To Do

Farkle tells Zay how he can't stand faking his feelings for Riley any more,while Zay thinks he actually likes her.Lucas gives advice to Smackle to take care of Farkle because he's too single for a guy with a girl,while she begins to think Farkle's going after some girl.Maya feels regret for sleeping with the other guy,while still having feelings for Josh.Charlie keeps with his obsession towards Riley and asks her on a date,while Josh wants to figure out whats wrong with Maya.

6.You Can't Handle the Truth or Dare

Riley and Lucas like each other,while Charlie wants to sabotage that.Josh gets worried when Maya doesn't wanna attend Farkle's party,while Smackle thinks that the girl Farkle's chasing is Maya.Farkle and Lucas are in a rivarly over Riley,while Maya manages to make her confess that she also likes Farkle.

7.Faking It...Again

After finding out Riley likes him,Farkle keeps faking his own feelings for Riley.Maya confesses to Zay who's the guy she slept with,as he gets into fight with Farkle.Lucas tries to convince Riley that Smackle is Farkle girlfriend and that he's only playing with her.

8.Let's Talk About Sex

Farkle lies to Riley and tells her that he broke up with Smackle,which leads to almost sex between the both.Lucas gets sad when he realize he lost his oportunity with Riley,while Charlie gets closer to him and tells him his ''friend'' history with Farkle.Maya becomes surprised over how close Farkle and Riley really are,while Josh notices that.

9.What Comes First:Sex or Love?

Riley is torn between having sex with Farkle or making love with Lucas,as she realizes she only loves one of them.Lucas gives Riley time to think about them,as he's convinced Farkle's playing with her.Maya realizes Riley almost had sex with Farkle and warns her,as Josh thinks she's just jealous.Zay thinks Farkle should stop the bet,as he's convinced he's beggining to fall in love with her.

10.Responsibly Irresponsable

The all school turns upside down as they recieve note how some girl got knocked up.Josh gets into serious fight with Farkle,as Riley finds comfort in Lucas's arms.Maya confesses to Riley the truth about the guy she recently slept with,as Smackle wants to keep Farkle close to her.Zay finds out Charlie was the one to write the note,which leads to everyone finding out who got pregnant.

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