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Scarlett was sitting on the couch in her house after her little arugment with Scott convincing him to not change Stiles into a werewolf she was distancing herself a tad from her brother while she looked through books she gotten from Stacy all about Japensee myths hoping there would be something to help them all out give them the upper hand but those chances were running very slim as she skimmed books finding nothing.

In the middle of her searching there was a knock on the front door grunting Scarlett got up moving some of the skattered books out of her way walking toward the door hearing another knock.

"okay okay I hear you keep your shirt on jeez you know people don't-" Scarlett cut herself off when she swung open the door seeing it was Malia with a sword and something else that raised an eyebrow for the petite brunette.

"what are you doing here?" Scarlett asked the were-coyote

"is Scott McCall here? I was told to find him here" Malia said kind of in a rude urgent manner. Scarlett just crossed her arms over her chest leaning on the door frame.

"and what buisness do you have with my brother?" she asked

"brother? you must be Scarlett" Malia said not very amused as there was a bit of tension between these two girls but Scarlett couldn't pin point the reason exactly.

"and where did you get that peice of information because the first time we met I'm pretty sure I didn't blurt that out" Scarlett told her

"from Stiles" Malia said Scarlett stood up straight fully interested in the girl now

"Stiles? where did you see Stiles?" she asked

"In Eichen house"

"you were in Eichen house?"

"were-coyote with problems fitting into society as a human it seemed to be the right spot" Malia told her

"hmmm.. I can see why" Scarlett said eight years spent as coyote in the woods then become human forced to live upon society rules how humans are going to act even thought you forgot how to be one of course there were bound to be probles there.

"anyway is he here I have something for him" Malia said annoyed with the questions from Scarlett who leaned back on the door frame moving out of the way so Malia can walk in.

"Scott!" Scarlett yelled from the bottom of the staircase

"what?" he yelled back

"you have a vistior and she wont leave till she speaks with you" Scarlett yelled a couple minutes later she heard shuffling and her brother appeared at the top of the staircase.

"Malia?" he questioned as she nodded

"I need to talk to you... in private" Malia said staring at Scarlett

"oh, whatever you have to say to my brother you can say in front of me not many serects between us plus it saves him time of repeating once you walk out that door" Scarlett said Malia rolled her eyes looked back at Scott who walked down the stairs.

"you can tell her" Scott said they walked to the couch

"Stiles told me-" Malia was cutt off by Scott

"you saw Stiles?"

"yeah at Eichen house but the last time I saw him he said he needed to give these things to you" she said handing him a photo and the sword.

"saw him last? is he still there? is he alright?" Scarlett asked

"I don't know where he went he just disappeared" Malia said

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