Cover #59

286 31 3


Here's your new cover and I hope you like it! It was hard to find the silhouette of a girl specifically so I tried to make it seem unisex.

Here's your new cover and I hope you like it! It was hard to find the silhouette of a girl specifically so I tried to make it seem unisex

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I also got really bored and decided to make two other covers that completely went against your request just for fun so here they are!  

I also got really bored and decided to make two other covers that completely went against your request just for fun so here they are!  

Oups ! Cette image n'est pas conforme à nos directives de contenu. Afin de continuer la publication, veuillez la retirer ou mettre en ligne une autre image.

PM my personal account and tell me which one you want so I can give you the link

Oups ! Cette image n'est pas conforme à nos directives de contenu. Afin de continuer la publication, veuillez la retirer ou mettre en ligne une autre image.

PM my personal account and tell me which one you want so I can give you the link.

P.S. They all may look pixely and stuff but I assure you it looks normal when you put it on your story, happy writing!


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