August 4, 2016 - @kickit_'s wonderous surprise

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Date: 4th of August, Year 2016
Archive Number: 30089

[ radio on ]

: Hello? Hello?

: Yeah, you on the screen! Hi!

: Have you heard? No? Why not?

: Oh, I haven't told you the news? That's awful

: Well you see, err. . .

:  There's going to be a big surprise

:  which is going to be hosted by kickit_

: BUT I'm going to be included.

: Well at least for a short while anyways!

: Why don't you go check them out? And join their contests and stuff in the mean time?

: while we set up our own . . . which will take a while,

: or maybe follow our account?

: Maybe even drop by to say hi?

: or get high — actually no that's a bad idea

: Until next recording, peasants!

[ A signing off ]

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