Enchanted (Harry Potter FanFic)

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Authors Note: This is my first Harry Potter Fanfic. I own none of the characters they are all J.K. Rowlings. Also I have changed certain details for the purpose of this story; Like the year that Lily and James started dating. Please be nice and leave comments and vote if you like it. Yes I am aware that this is a very very short Prologue, But Prologues are only for the use of grasping the reader. Well I guess I best stop going on and on and let you get on with reading it.

   We all know the story of the boy who lived, but do we really know all that much about his mother and aunt?

Yes, Petunia despised Lily for being different and in her mind more loved by their parents.

This however is not the only reason that Petunia hates magic.

What's the other reason you may ask?

Well let's take a look back at time to where this all first started. Back to Lily's fourth year........

Authors Note:

( The following are the Birthdays of all the characters AS THEY ARE IN MY STORY beside them will be the ages they are during Lily's fourth year:

Lily: Jan. 30 1960 (14 @ start of year but turns 15 after Christmas break)

James: 27 Mar. 1960 (14 @ start of year turns 15 during the year)

Remus: 10 Mar. 1960 ( 14 @ start of year turns 15 during year)

Sirius: September 10 1959 ( 15 @ beginning for 9 days and then 16 all throughout the year)

Peter: Feb. 10 1960 (14 @ beginning turns 15 later on in the year)

Severus: 9 Jan. 1960 ( 14 @ beginning of the year and turns 15 later on)

Petunia:  August 2 1958 (17 all throughout the school year)

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