Surprise Entrance

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Hello everyone this is not my first real book. Wattpad had deleted my other one that was about demigods at Hogwarts so if any of you guys read it you would know that I said I was going to delete it but after a little bit of thinking I was going to continue the book when I had found out that it had been deleted. So again if any of you guys were reading that book I am really sorry for it being deleted, so I thought that I would make this book for you guys read say you have read this book or you have not. Now on to the book. P.S. The first Percy Jackson series just ended in this time zone, Also any camps from the past will have Jr. next to there name unless I say other wise.

Chiron's POV

"Everyone look up here, the gods have sent me a message saying that they are sending some demigods from the future to talk about their past, as in their newest war", at that I heard a lot of Campers gasp and some go "come on really", "Yes this is all real, and the Gods said they would be here any minute know" as I said this a bright appeared and there stood 13 people all from the future "Where in the world are we" Nico asked "I don't know Nico" Annabeth said "OMG Annabeth doesn't know something the world is going to end" Leo said "Umm Guys" Percy said "Hazel stop stepping on my toe" Will said "Umm Guys" Percy said once again "Opps, Sorry" Hazel replied to Will "GUYS look" Percy said pointing at me and the younger group of demigods "This is Camp Half-Blood, and guessing at who is here and not here, I am guessing that this around are first war, maybe after it. Am I right Chiron" Percy said "Yes you are Percy" I said to "Wait Percy was right about something" Leo said looking so confused "Shut Up Valdez" Percy said. Then out of no where a book came out of the sky and hit Leo square on the head, "Oww, wait what is this" Leo said "I think that is the book about your guys newest war" I said "So do we have to read it to you guys" Will said "I guess, that's what the note from the gods said" I told them "What's the book called Leo" Reyna asked Leo "Blood of Olympus" He said "Heck no, bye, I am not listening to this" Nico said walking away "Nope you are staying here" Will said grabbing Nico's wrist a forcing him to sit at the Hades tables, "Chiron can we sit here" Reyna said making a table appear next to her "Sure" Chiron said "Well then should we start reading" Piper said to Chiron "Yeah okay" He replied to Piper.

So this is the first part of my book

I have always wanted to read a book

That was this but not a lot of people

Have done it so I thought that I

Would do it instead because I want

Other people to be able to

Half-Blood's Read Blood of Olympus [Disconnected]Where stories live. Discover now