Chapter 2: Jason

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Jason's POV

"Okay Chapter 2, Jason"

Naturally, the situation was worse than Jason expected. It wouldn't have been an fun otherwise.

"Why would it be fun" Travis asked "Because were demigods, duh" Leo said

Peering through the olive bushes at the top of the rise, he saw what looked like an out-of-control zombie frat party.

"How do you know what that is" asked a boy from the Athena cabin "Because I can" I said

The ruins themselves weren't that impressive: a few stone walls, a weed-choked central courtyard, a dead-end stairwell chiseled into the rock. Some plywood sheets covered a pit and a metal scaffold supported a cracked archway. But superimposed over ruins was another layer of reality-a spectral mirage of the palace as it must have appeared in it heyday. White-washed stucco walls lined with balconies rose three stories high. Columned porticoes faced the central atrium, which had a huge fountain and bronze braziers. At a dozen banquet tables, ghouls laughed and ate and pushed one another around. Jason had expected about a hundred spirits,

"Why would you expect that many spirits" ask a child of Hecate "Because this was a big event where all the spirits that joined Gaea would then be able to survive when she would take over the world, but we beat Gaea so there isn't really anything to worry about" I told the kid

but twice that many were milling about, chasing spectral serving girls

"Well that's gross" said a little girl from the Aphrodite cabin "Yeah" said all of her siblings and a few girls from the Demeter cabin

smashing plates and cups, and basically making a nuisance of themselves. Most looked like Lares from Camp Jumpiter

"those things are so creepy" said Frank , " they are always so noisy"

transparent purple wraiths in tunics and sandals. A few revelers had decayed bodies with gray flesh,

"that it so disgusting" the Aphrodite cabin screamed again "can you guys please not keep interrupting me please" Leo said

matted clumps of hair, and nasty wounds.

The Aphrodite cabin was trying not to puke from this description

Others seemed to be regular living mortals-some in togas, some in modern business suits or army fatigues. Jason even spotted one guy in a purple Camp Jupiter T-shirt and Roman legionnaire armor. In the center of the atrium, a gray-skinned ghoul in a tattered Greek tunic paraded through the crowd, holding a marble bust over his head like a spots trophy.

"How disrespectful, to the gods" Thalia said "I know" I told my sister

The other ghosts cheered and slapped him on the back. As the ghoul got closer, Jason noticed that he had an arrow in his throat,

"UUUUUUGGGGGHH" screamed the Aphrodite cabin "can you guys PLEASE stop interrupting me, PLEASE" Leo screamed at the top of his lungs "Okay repair boy" piper said "Whatever" Leo said

the feathered shaft sprouting from his Adam's apple. Even more disturbing: the bust he was holding ... was that Zeus?

Lighting bomb outside :(

It was hard to be sure. Most Greek god statues looked similar. But the bearded, glowering face reminded Jason very much of the gaint Hippie Zues in Cabin One at Camp Half-blood

"You thought that the statue of Zeus in our cabin was also a Hippie, yes I am not the only one" my sister, Thalia, said "I now, it always creeps me out because it just looks like it is staring into your soul" I told her "Hey guys, can you keep reading" Annabeth told use "Oh, yeah, sorry" I told her as I got back to reading the story

"Our next offering!" the ghoul shouted, his voice buzzing from the arrow in his throat. "Let us feed the Earth Mother!" The partyers yelled and pounded their cups. The ghoul made his way to the central fountain. The crowd parted, and Jason realized the fountain wasn't filled with water. From the three-foot-tall pedestal, a geyser of sand spewed upward, arching into an umbrella-shaped curtain of white particles before spilling into the curtain basin. The ghoul heaved the marble bust into the fountain. As soon as Zeus's head passed through the shower of sand, the marble disintegrated like it was going through a wood chipper. The sand glittered gold, the color of ichor-godly blood. Then the entire mountain rumbled with a muffled BOOM, as if belching after a meal.

"Boys" my sister "Your right there" Annabeth said to Thalia "Oh so I am never right, then" Thalia asked with a small glare "Sure if that's what you think" Annabeth said

The dead party goers roared with approval, "Any more statues?" the ghoul shouted to the crowd. "No? Then I guess we'll have to wait for some real gods to sacrifice!"

"I am so glad we bet them" Percy said "All of us are idiot" I said "also my voice is really hurting, i think we should stop for a bit" "Okay" Chrion said

I am probably not going to write in this book

for a while, this is because  I am now

in school so I will not be writing in this book

anymore, or for a while. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2016 ⏰

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