Chapter 1

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Time is a odd thing. Seconds turn to minutes and minutes turn to hours and in a certain amount of hours day turn to night, then night turns to day and it repeats over and over again. If time never stops how come its limited. Limited to people. If we are all born onto the earth why is it that some people get less time on the earth than others. Some have decades and some have less than a minute. I've never understood it.

My mother says that I have a curse. Because I have a limited time on the planet. I have a rare illness that less than 12 people on the earth have and I only have a few more years to experience as many opportunities as I can. My name is Eleanor Rose Hastings but everyone calls me Ellie. My illness was discovered when I was two years old. My parents realised the my left foot was twisting inwards towards my right leg whenever I walked. They took me to the hospital told them about my illness. It caused the bones on the out side of my left foot to crumble away leaving me without feeling on the outer half of my foot. This was why my foot twisted inwards. It was all I could feel. When I had just turned three I had an operation on my foot where the doctors were going to insert a metal structure to replace the missing bones. This was going to help me walk properly. This operation worked for 6 and a half years. I had gained strength in my left foot and it allowed me to balance correctly. Then during the night when I was nine, I was woken up by a pain in my foot. It felt like it was breaking off. The pain was so bad it made my loose my breath. I was screaming for help and my parents rushed me to hospital where the doctors told me that the metal structure in my foot had collapsed due to the bones around it had started to crumble. My doctor told me that the structure had to be removed immediately as it was no longer safe for it to be inside my foot. I had a immediate operation. My foot was amputated from my ankle. My life was changed forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2016 ⏰

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