Chapter One

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"Why are you coming around here acting stupid once again Karma I told you I was done" I shouted while throwing rocks at her car trying to get her out my parents drive way. "You a fuckin bitch" she screamed in between tears while backing out the drive way. Me and Karma broke up a few months ago I think the pregnancy emotions are getting the best of her she can't control her anger so she pushed me away. I love her to death though I just can't deal with all the attitude she brings when I've done nothing but be here for her. She even goes to school acting up so I started half days then she pops up here acting just as crazy all cause her friend Ari ended up with my number and i don't know how she got it but when I told Karma that her friend had my number she flipped on me. I had moved her into a lil condo that's month to month no lease cause hopefully once the baby come we can be back together or before that if she can put aside her attitude long enough to hear me out.

    I hate that bitch Ari with every bone in me if I wasn't so big I would find her and beat her ass cause if it wasn't for me her dumbass wouldn't even be in the school that we are in! But now I let this bitch break up me and my man. All cause she couldn't keep her man at home she wanna snoop around mine. But I'm not having that. We suppose to be in love and finding out the sex of our baby next week and I don't even know if Tyler gone show up! It breaks my heart. I guess I will give Tyler his space from now on and if he decides to come around then he will.
    He moved me out of his parents house and everything I guess I can say I overreacted this time by scratching his face all up when we had got into an argument he couldn't believe what I did and once I realized the person I was becoming I wanted to stop I just couldn't. He never raised his hand to me ever after everything I've put him through and sitting in this condo alone makes me regret ever doing those things to him cause he helped me so much. A month ago I went to his parents house and fucked up his new motorcycle that his dad had just got him. His dad don't know I did it he lied to his dad and told him that some kids down the rode did it. But his mom knew. I'm glad his mom is more understanding to this I guess cause she a woman and all. But she also tries to give me advice on things and try to get Tyler to see my side. But that has happened yet.
   I showered and decided to watch some tv since I couldn't do anything else in this boring ass condo. I'm just glad he didn't put me out on the streets like Ari baby daddy did her. I think that's why she hates me so much now cause she knows Tyler takes good care of me. I texted Ari phone [Bitch I know why your so mad cause you can't have him, but we was once good friends and you let your jealous ways get the best of you I will always have love for you Ari we was inseparable at one point, but I can't not fuck with you and when I have my baby I'm going to fuck you up every chance I get] I don't know why I even texted her just the thoughts alone pisses me off and every time I think about it, she will revive a text.

**The Next Day
   I pulled up to the school in my brand new toy a 2016 Chevy Impala all black with the white stripes down the side on some 22" inch rims. All black with the white stripes. I had on some Roc Jeans with a white Tee and some all white forces some simple shit. I walked into the school and the first person I saw was Karma. She was getting bigger day by day but she was so beautiful. The pregnancy fitted her , she was all belly. 'Damn I miss her' I thought. I started walking her way but she didn't even look my way she walked right pass me like I wasn't even there I just let her be I figured she just was cooling off from the night before.
      I went to all of my first set of classes so glad this is my last year. And I'm glad they changed the dress code from uniforms to dress how you want. I went to my locker and Ari was standing there waiting for me.
"Hey Ty" she said
"Man what you want you know you not suppose to be around me better move around for my bm come whoop yo ass again" I said moving her out my way. She just stood there
"She only whooped my ass cause I let her" she spat
"I doubt you let her whoop your ass you didn't have a chance" I told her laughing
"Nigga shut up" she said pushing me a lil
"Girl keep your hands off me" I said annoyed
Then I looked up and Karma was walking our way I just knew things was Finna go down from here. This bitch Ari saw the way I was looking and she tried to hug me like we was really talking like that. To my surprise Karma glanced at us and walked right passed us and smiled. What the hell is she up too I thought. I got into my next class and texted Karma.

   I'm not gone let them piss me off I swear I'm not. My days stressing over Tyler and Ari is over if that's how they wanna be oh well but he don't have to worry about seeing my child. Or knowing the sex. I sat down at my desk and I felt my baby kick. But it kinda hurted more then usual. 'Damn' I mumbled. I pulled my phone out my Chanel bag and saw I had a message from Tyler but then I felt another kick and it really hurted. I didn't even open Tyler message j sat there and the kicks kept coming so I pulled out some chips and a bottled water from my bag to snack a lil that's probably what's wrong with this baby.
    Mr. Smith went on with our lesson for the day said we had to type a essay about what we've learned so far and what do we need to work on more before the end of the year he will try to touch every topic people needed help with once more. The kicks came harder and harder as the day proceeded on. I just can't wait until this day is over.
    I got to lunch and I sat down by myself and some dark skin tall boy came and sat across from me. I got on Facebook on my phone hoping to not have to have any conversation with this dude. But of course he wanted conversation.
"What's up my name is Derrick" he said extending his hand for me to shake.
"Hi I'm Karma" I said shaking his hand.
I quickly noticed how cute he was with hazel eyes. He had on a polo outfit which was black and gold. He had on some gold necklaces and some gold earrings.
"Nice to meet you Karma" he said
"Nice to meet you as well, can you please call me KaeKae" I asked
"Sure whatever you like me to call you I will" he added
"How old are you KaeKae" he asked
"I'm 18" I told him
"Oh so your a senior, I know your happy this is your last year" he said
"Yes thank god" I said
We continued to talk then Tyler came and smashed his tray on the table and his food splattered all over my clothes how fuckin annoying and embarrassing can he be.
"So what you doing huh Karma huh" Tyler yelled
I just grabbed the napkins Derrick was handing me to wipe myself off. I ignored Tyler.
"So you don't hear me" Tyler said getting more upset
Derrick got up from the table, "I will catch you later Karma" he said
"Okay see you later" I told him
He walked away. I got up from my chair and started walking towards the bathroom Tyler was right behind me.
"Karma!" He kept screaming I just kept on walking. He grabbed my wrist and snatched me. Forcing me to look at him.
"You don't hear me girl" he said getting close to my face
"Ty gone" I said snatching out his embrace. And walking into the bathroom thinking I was getting away from him but he followed me in there.
"What the fuck you was doing talking to that nigga" he asked
Of course ignored him cause this is what I don't have time for I cleaned off my shirt the best way I could. And felt another kick causing me to behind over in pain "goodness" I said
"Karma now is not the time to be acting stupid" he said with attitude like I was faking or something
"Bitch leave me the fuck alone real shit" I spat in pain. I'm so over his non considerate ass ways. I walked out the bathroom leaving him there looking just as stupid as he did walking into the ladies room anyways.

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