Chapter Two

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   Blowing up my phone all night since school coming over her bamming on my door I didn't answer the door or the phone! Can't do this shit. Now that I'm leaving him alone he harassing me. I woke up pretty upset cause I didn't get no sleep just thinking about everything that has been going on. I decided I wasn't gone remind Tyler of the ultrasound today didn't wanna be bothered with him much now lately. I got out of bed and went to the closet to find something. Cute but simple to wear. I decided on a pregnant blouse with a tight pencil skirt and some sandals that strapped around the ankle and I painted my toenails grey. Even though I didn't have on anything grey I loved the color and that's how I was feeling today. I got in the shower made myself something to eat then headed out the house.
     I got to the doctor office and the first person I saw in the waiting room was Tyler. I just kept walking I signed in and took a seat by the magazines. I felt Tyler starring at me but I didn't care that he was here. He got up from his seat and came to sit next to me.
"How long you gone ignore me" he asked
I just simply shrugged my shoulders and kept flipping through the pages. I felt my phone vibrate in my bag so I grabbed it out and it was a friend request notification from Derrick. I clicked on his profile picture just to see what all I could see on his page it was private. I accepted his request and that's when the doctor called me back. And Tyler was right on my heals.
    "Hello Karma how are you today" the doctor asked
"I'm good thanks for asking" I said while sitting on the table.
"How is everything anything new?" She asked
"Actually yes the baby kicks hurt and they hurt worst and worst every time" I told her
"Oh that just mean baby is stronger then you think, let's look at baby and see how things are really going in there"
I laid back and lifted my shirt and she squirted the clear, cold, gel on my stomach first thing we heard was the heart beat I swear that ease my mind every time. We looked at the baby organs and things and body parts.
"Do you guys wanna know the sex" she asked
"Yes and I will like to have the 3D ultrasound" I told her she turned it onto the 3D the baby looked just like Tyler. I couldn't believe it did already. I glanced over at Tyler he was so happy to see the baby.
"Okay it's a boy" she said smiling. Tyler was so happy. He quickly got on the phone and called his dad.
"hey dad it's a boy! We got what we wanted" he told him then they hung up. I really didn't care about the sex of the baby I was just glad he was healthy and I was ready to meet him. I pulled down my shirt after wiping off the gel. I sat up she printed me off so many pictures and of course she printed off a extra one for Tyler saying 'It's A Boy'
    We left the doctor office and Tyler told me he wasn't going to school today and he would meet me at my condo after he stop to get some food I just rolled up my window and drove off still don't wanna be bothered with him.


     I just wanna know why she been acting so distant lately. I called her phone over 30 times yesterday even showed up to her condo and she didn't even answer the door. But I know she was home. She didn't even remind me of the doctors appointment good thing I remembered cause she obviously wasn't going to tell me. I'm glad I'm have a Jr. Even though we haven't discussed names yet. I think he should be a Jr. I pulled up to her condo after I stopped and got us some Red Lobster to go.
She opened the door. "Your so beautiful Kae" I told her she just brushed off what I said and walked away. "I got us some red lobster" I said. She went to the living room and sat down and turned on the tv "no thanks" she said dryly.
"So you don't want none?" I asked irritated she just ignored me the whole time. So I sat next to her on the couch watching her favorite tv show Love and HipHop.
"Karma what's wrong" I asked
"Nothing Ty" she said still watching tv
"So why you giving me the silent treatment" I asked grabbing her chin turning her face towards me
"Cause I just don't have nothing to say to you" she said then snatching her face back
"Well I don't understand why you don't have nothing to say baby" I told her
"Ty it's really over between us and I'm starting to understand that now I'm starting to be perfectly fine with the way things are. I have an interview for a part-time job next week so when I graduate I will have a job and I plan to move out this condo so once I save up enough mo money to get me a new car I will work on me a place next" she said while walking away. I followed behind her.
"Karma you want a new car" I asked confused. She looked at me like I was stupid.
"Nigga no. I love the car you gave me I just wanna be independent and not depend on nobody, so I'm going to get me a Lil cheap car once I save up some money for one and do everything by myself" she said while laying across her queen size bed.
"Karma independent is coo but I'm going to take care of you. I love you" I told her and kissed her forehead
"I know you do and I appreciate everything you've done for me this far if it wasn't for you I would still be that same girl from the projects" she said. I laid across her bed too and we talked about a lot of things then I decided to bring up the situation with Ari at school the other day. "Baby I hope you know I would never mess with dirty ass Ari" I told her for reassurance "when she was standing at my locker when you saw us I was letting her know to leave me alone and to walk away then as soon as the bitch seen you coming our way she wanna try to hug me she knows she gets under your skin baby" I said.
"That's coo she don't get under my skin any more I'm learning to be a better person for my child sake cause Ari know I would slap her ass" she said
"I also told her you would beat her ass again baby I did" I added. We finished talking and ended up falling asleep in the middle of the day. I'm just glad she talking to me I don't want her to ever feel the way she do.
     Waking up to Karma made me realize just how much I missed her. It was 10:00 p.m. We slept the whole day away. She was still sleeping I guess pregnant people can sleep all year round if you let them. I didn't wanna interrupt her sleep so I just laid there since she was so close to me and I knew if I moved she would wake up. I grabbed my phone off the night stand and got on Facebook. I saw that her an her lil friend Derrick became friends. I instantly got mad. 'What the fuck this nigga trying to prove' I thought. I had no intentions of bringing this up to Karma cause I will never let a nigga bother me.
    My phone was ringing it was my mom.
"Hello Ma" I said
"Yes boy why you ain't come home" she asked concerned
"Oh mom I'm with Karma" I whispered forgetting she was sleeping
"Well your dad told me the news since neither one of you guys told me" she added
"Sorry ma I just been trying to make things right with Karma today totally slipped my mind" I said.
"Where has she been anyways I haven't seen her in weeks" my mom asked
"Home and school" I told her dryly trying to get off the phone cause Karma was waking up "look ma I have to go" I told her
"Okay I love you son" she said
"Love you too" I told her then hung up.
   "Who was that" Karna asked rubbing her eyes
"That was just mom baby" I said kissing her lips
"Stop kissing me" she said while laughing
"Why" I asked still kissing her
"Cause my breath stank" she said
"Yeah it do" I said jokingly
"Forget you" she said laughing harder
"Let's go for a walk since we both up and everything is closed" I told her while sitting up.
"I'm hungry so I say we get some food" she said
"I say no cause you wasted all that Red Lobster early trying to have an attitude" I said
"Whatever" she said walking into the bathroom to brush her teeth.
"What you got in mind" I asked her
"Maybe some Chicago style pizza" she said
"Okay whatever you want you can have my queen" I told her .

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2016 ⏰

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