Chapter 14: Something's wrong

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Hannah wakes up from her sleep. She stretched her arms and legs and got out of the bed. She walked to Amanda's room and knocked on the door. Hannah put her ear to the door to hear Amanda's snores. She sighed and opened the door.

Hannah knew Amanda was a heavy sleeper so she just opened the door. She looked at Amanda who was a snoring mess and sighed. She began to shake Amanda yelling, "GET UP, GET UP!"

Amanda woke up quickly and looked at her, "What is your problem?" Hannah laughed, "Sorry I just need you to help me clean up the house." Amanda groaned and put the cover back on her, "Ugh why can't Rosemary do it? It's her house!"

Hannah glared at her, "Are you forgetting that she is only like 7, I think." Amanda looked at her, "Really, I started cleaning the house when I started walking." Hannah chuckled, "Well that's you, now GET UP!"

Hannah pushed Amanda out of the bed. Amanda fell face first into the floor. She looked up at Hannah with a frustrated look and huffed, "Fine."

Amanda and Hannah went downstairs to see the living room spotless. They looked at each other wide-eyed. Hannah then burst out laughing and looked at Amanda, "Wow Amanda, you really did clean up didn't you?"

Amanda looked at her with a confused look, "I didn't clean it." Hannah stopped laughing, "Then who did?" The two girls saw Rosemary sweeping the room. She looked up at them and smiled, "Oh Good Morning." Hannah smiled, "Good Morning, did you clean this all up?"

Rosemary smiled and nodded her head. Hannah gave her a sympathy look, "Aw I can't believe you did that, you must be tired?" Hannah walked up to Rosemary and hugged her. Rosemary looked over her shoulder and glared at Amanda.

Amanda felt VERY uncomfortable of how Rosemary was looking at her. She spoke up, "Hannah can I talk to you alone, please." Hannah stopped hugging Rosemary and looked at her confused. Hannah shrugged and said, "Oh ok sure."

Rosemary glared at Amanda as Hannah and Amanda went up the stairs.

Once they were upstairs and in Amanda's room, Amanda faced Hannah and said, "I think something is wrong with Rosemary." Hannah looked at Amanda confused, "What do think is wrong with her?" Amanda shrugged, "It's just how she acts. Have you seen her glaring at me?"

Hannah looked at Amanda and laughed. Amanda's face turned red and she said, "I'm serious, Hannah. We need to talk to her parents." Hannah stopped laughing, "Amanda If we call her parents they will think that we can't handle it." Hannah walked to the door, turned the knob, and looked at Amanda, "Maybe you just need to know her."

Hannah walked out of the room leaving Amanda by herself. Amanda sighed and said to herself, "Maybe I should."

Amanda walked out of the room. She looked on her left to see Rosemary's door opened. She slowly walked to the door and pushed it to were she could see inside.

She looked around to see if Rosemary was in there. She wasn't in the room so Amanda decided to walk in. The room was very modern for a child.

She ran her hand on the desk full of makeup. "Why would a little girl need makeup?" She said to herself. She look under the desk to see box of full of files.

She look around to see if anyone was coming and slid the box out. She knew snooping was wrong but she had to find out what's going on with Rosemary. She picked up the first picture when was a grey picture of Rosemary in a straight jacket.

Amanda frowned her eyebrows and flip the picture on the back. She looked to the bottom of the paper and saw a handwritten "Rachelle Matters." Amanda thought to herself, "Who is Rachelle Matters?"

She picked up another picture, it was Rosemary but with short blonde hair. Amanda flipped to the back to see that it said, "Cristi Sact." Amanda pulled three more pictures that had more random names on the back and Rosemary looked very different in every single picture when someone behind her cleared their throat.

Amanda jumped and turned around quickly to see Rosemary glaring at her. Amanda stood up quickly and said, "Oh hey Rosemary, I was looking for you." Rosemary crossed her arm and tapped her foot, "Why would I be in a box?"

Amanda awkwardly laughed and said, "Right, sorry." She walked out of the room quickly. Rosemary walked to the box and picked up the pictures that Amanda had. She crumpled the pictures and whispers,

"She knows."

(A/n) Hey guys, I hope you liked it and if you did please vote. Sorry for any errors. I've been VERY busy ever since school start because of all the school activities I'm in. ALSO My birthday is next Friday (September 16) I will be turning 16 so yeah be sure to follow me on my social medias!

Snapchat: Daisha_xx
Twitter: DaishaCurlin



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