my fake vampire fiance

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" And that's why the rich don't pay taxes" I said singing Kelly Clarkson song Hook up the video was currently on the t.v while dancing around the small café named Fever like a idiot with my dumb friends cheering me on. But hey that's why people come. I am always here around 12:00 working and everyone comes to see me act crazy. So the owner of the restaurant said if you come in you have to buy something and I bring her buissness, but I do it for free I mean she is my aunt.

" thank you thank you thank you very much" I laughed while taking a bow as the song came to an end and everyone started cheering. Skating over to the counter I walked up to Fran.

" Hey darling" I said in a New York accent with my goofy smile on my face which apparently makes the guys go crazy.

" Can you take up table number 9's order I got to go tinkle" she said in a very thick accent. I laughed at her use of the word tinkle. Skating over to table 9 not bothering to look at the people sitting there.

" hey, hey, hey welcome to Beth's place what can I get you, would you like the special is" I stomped my foot and kissed my two fingers " Muy delecioso... I'll go get that for you eh" I said turning around to skate off just then Fran pulled me back.

" If beth finds out you treated a costumer like that, it is my head" she said before pushing me over there.

" hi welcome to beth's place... what can I get ya?" I asked solomly looking up I gasp to meet the most gorgeous face. I smirked might as well have a little fun eh? I put on a charming smile sitting down across from him overly fluttering my eye lashes making me look like an idiot on purpose.

" what can I get you gorgeous" I asked it a sweet kiddy voice he looked at me in a bored way before stating his order, ouch rejection...

" mmkay" I said with another smile " my name is"

"I am not interested" he cut off with a cold smirk

" um, okay I mean that's good to know but it is part of my job to tell you my name" I bit back wiping that smirk off his face.

" either way I don't care" he stated

" jeez no need to get your panties in a twist" I said

" okay first off I am a guy I'm pretty sure I don't have panties" he said slightly amused

" you sure? Cause' you could have fooled me" I said

" excuse me" he asked humor gone and his voice now cold

" see what I mean mood swings I mean you seem like your on your period..." I couldn't finish because Fran pushed me out of the way.

" I am so sorry Lord Dominous...uh, she is new" she said bowing

" no I'm not" I yelled

" yes you are" she stated pushing me out of the way "please let me go get your order" she said with a smile then looked at me with annoyance. Sitting back down across from him I looked up.

" So your important huh?" I asked

" you can say that" he replied

" he is very important how do you not know of him... this is Lord Dominous" Johnny who was walking by butted in.

" oh shut your trap John you just heard Fran say it, I bet you don't even know who he is" I said with a smirk planted on my face.

" Yes I do" he said

" Then humor me boy... who is he" a man I did not notice at the table sitting next to him, it was then that I notice there were quiute a few people there, two more girls and two guys and then this oh so important man. But back to John whose face was beat red he sighed in a defeated tone and walked away. Changing the subject I looked at the clock.

"I got to get to work" I said getting up

" I thought you were already" the man said Lord Dominous who I soon figured out first name was Desmond.

" naw, I just come here for fun" I said

" well then where do you work" he asked, rasing an eyebrow.

" sounds like your pretty interested" I said before walking out the door and off to work.

Desmond POV

Calling up the waitress named Fran I asked her

" Who was that" I asked

" oh that was Sonny- the owner off this place's sister" she responded.

" is she" I asked more to myself

" is there something on your mind Sire" Zeke one of my best friends asked.

" No, no there isn't" but I knew that was a li e because all I could think about was the hyper female named Summer.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2010 ⏰

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