81- No Light

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While reading this, imagine yourself in this scenario. I promise it will make it a lot better.

She was encased in a quilt of darkness
That hugged her body so tightly that she felt suffocated

"I want to breathe! I want to breathe!"
She screamed,

"I want to see! I want to see!"

She kicked and punched only to find herself
Reaching for light

A cage
With steel bars
With thick muddy walls
Covered in blood
With grey glossy tiles
Now swamped with dirt

Collecting dust

She was trapped

In a jail
In a cage
In her mind.

Because there was no quilt.
No darkness.
No cage.

...And no light.


Hey guys, let me know what you think of this, it's kind of different compared to something that I'd usually write.

Question of the day: What kind of food is mostly made in your home?

Me: Indian food😂

E X T R A   S O C I A L   M E D I A:

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Instagram: @tatertho.t

Tumblr: aamishaa

If you want me on another social media, pm me and I just might make an account! :)

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