3 - Emotions

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It was nightfall and you two were settled around a fire eating some fish he'd caught, he was still able to use his fire at least. So that's good.

"What's wrong with you human?" He comments noticing your lack of eating. He'd spent quite the amount of time to hunt for you two and here you are barely indulging.

You kept quiet lost in thought while taking a small bite out the fish.

Levi glares harder at you, "(Y/N)!"

Startled you jump almost dropping your food looking around, "what? Something happening?" You couldn't help but wonder if more of those guards were gonna just pop out of nowhere.

He tosses the stick into the fire to watch it burn a single clawed hand runs through his dark hair not sure what to say to you.  Ever since earlier you've been jumpy. "...Sing."

Now it's your turn to tilt your head in confusion.

"Sing a song." He ordered. "Anything will do."

It took a moment to even process his words as you stared at the fire. He wantes you to sing, but you weren't in the mood. Even so you decided to sing for him, the song sadly reflects your emotions as of now.

Oh, I can't take it anymore~♪

We level like an RPG
We're magnitude 10
You're magnitude 3.3

If it aint broke don't fix it..I'm so conflicted, and you're so restricted!
Listen to the sound of my voice, and drown out all the pain

Yeah, it's okay to cry.
I wonder why I feel the same...

Done you sat there staring at the flame when feeling a hand pet your head to which you didn't bother to look up. It was obvious since he's the only other one here.

"..I was scared you know. You got hurt, and wouldn't say anything." 

Levi nods his head.

"Those people had poisonous weapons, they were gonna come after you, and you just go and tell me to leave. Then they came back." It was all so sudden. You could feel the tears coming yet tried to hold them in.

The dragon heaved a sigh rustling your (H/C) hair. "Go on and cry brat. No point holding it in."

And you did. That night you cried off your anxiety only to pass out needing to regain your peace of mind. Levi watched over you all night, not like he could sleep much anyways with how weak this body was.

He missed his dragon body.


On through the forest you continue to follow the short male curious where you'd head to now. You can't go back to the town after being seen with a dragon, either they assumed he died, or you two made it somehow.

Either way Levi is 'your dragon' as classified by them now.

"Levi, where are we going? I'm tired of all the walking." You whined.

He clicked his teeth before answering. "Shut it, we're here already."

It was a large rock.

That's what all the walking was for.

...a large rock.

"Please...don't joke with me Levi. It doesn't suit you." This had to be some type of joke, but it's not funny in the slightest.

Without uttering a word he goes over to the rock feeling around for something until a click was heard and the rock slid open. He doesn't bother to tell you anything just goes on in.

A Dragons Loyalty (Dragon!Levi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now