the first one

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[these won't have any professional titles or a cover or anything, since i'm mainly uploading these for twitt]

It was raining out, just like the night before. It was pretty relaxing, but it did get old quickly. Especially since it ruined any chances of strapping on a pair of skates and tagging the streets. Well, you could go out and do it, but what's that point? It'd ruin your skates and ruin your tags, your art.

But anyway, back to here and now. Yoyo was lying down on the couch, listening to some music through his earbuds (headphones were too bulky). He was having a good time relaxing before... What in the world is that feeling? Was somebody staring at him? He opened one eye and... Sure enough, Beat was in the doorway, staring at him. Maybe he thought he was asleep? No, wait, that's creepy.


Well, that made the taller boy jump. Odd.

"You okay?"

He remained silent. There was an odd vibe coming off of him.

Finally, Yoyo sat up, removing the earbuds from his ears.

Still without uttering a single word, Beat came over and sat down next to him. The odd vibes were stronger now.

It felt like an eternity before either one of them spoke up.

"I'm sorry." It was Beat's voice.

"For what?" Yoyo really wasn't sure what he would be apologizing for. Has he ever even said that word before?

"For being a dick. I don't know why I do it, but I just do. I hurt you, and all I do is fight with you. You... Really are a brat."

There was a hint of a chuckle after that last statement. Was he even smiling?

"Yo," was all Yoyo could say. How would anyone even respond to that?

Beat was an asshole, sure. He was abusive towards Yoyo, sure. But was he always this... Quiet? No, he wasn't. So how could Yoyo trust this? How could he know for sure that this wasn't an act for him to let his guard down, just so Beat could punch him and laugh at him for being "such a fuckin' idiot?"

He wasn't sure if he could.

"I just feel so awful. You don't deserve any of that. You're a good kid, really."

He's never said any of that before. This was wrong. There was no way Beat could have been.... Were those tears?

He's drunk, isn't he?

Oh well, Yoyo figured he might as well just play along. He scooted himself a bit closer, so he could bring his hand up onto the other male's back to give him some reassuring back rubs.

"Yo, don't worry about it. You.. You can't help it, y'know? I'm a mess, a big cocky mess. I'm surprised nobody else has--"

"Shut up."

There was that silence again. They were staring at each other now. There was shock in Yoyo's eyes, and anger in Beat's.

No, no it wasn't anger. Was it angst? That didn't make any sense. Beat always seemed so strong. There was no way he could be so.. Weak.

That was that, Yoyo knew now that he wasn't fucking with him. Beat was actually apologizing. Beat was actually trying to make up for his mistakes. Beat was... Not being Beat.

Now Yoyo was tearing up. Emotions are contaigous.

It was also then that he realized.. He was the only one to see Beat like this. Nobody else has seem him so weak, so vulnerable. He let his guard down in front of Yoyo because.. He trusts him.

And he trusts Beat.

Yoyo wasn't sure how he ended up like this, tangled up with Beat, his head on his chest, but it didn't matter. This was refreshing. Like a never-ending wave of silent happiness. Everything about this was new. The fact he was close to Beat without a single (new) bruise on his body, and the fact he was literally lying on top of the asshole he just couldn't stay away from.

Oh, and the fact that Beat kept whispering "sorry" every few minutes. Yoyo would reply with little shushes, or by pinching him. He would give him light punches, but his movement was limited. Oh well, there was no need for any of that anyway. It probably would've ended this blissful moment prematurely..

It was morning sooner than expected. Yoyo reached out to stretch when he... Wait, Beat was gone? Maybe it was a dream. Figures.

Throwing his hoodie and glasses on, he stepped out into the main room to find Beat lounging on the couch.

"'Sup, asshole." Beat was smiling up at him. Really smiling.

That was more like it.

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