The Zodiacs

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Sign | date (of birth) | symbol

Aries | March 21st - April 19th | The ram ♈

Taurus | April 20th - May 20th | The bull ♉

Gemini | May 21st - June 20th | The twins ♊

Cancer | June 21st - July 22nd | The crab ♋

Leo | July 23rd - August 22nd | The lion ♌

Virgo | August 23rd - September 22nd | The virgin ♍

Libra | September 23rd - October 22nd | The scales ♎

Scorpio | October 23rd - November 21st | The scorpion ♏

Sagittarius | November 22nd - December 21st | The archer ♐

Capricorn | December 22nd - January 19th | The goat ♑

Aquarius | January 20th - February 18th | The water bearer ♒

Pisces | February 19th - March 20th | The fishes ♓

There's originally a 13th sign as well. However it is not as often used or even known of. But just for the sake of originality and technicality. I'm gonna list it here, but will probably not use it in the other chapters.

Ophiuchus | November 30th - December 17th | The serpent bearer ⛎

Of course this would also change all the other dates slightly.

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