Here comes the aeroplane

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(Read the message below)
Hi I'm Tony stark and I'm going to tell you something about me. I'm a alcoholic and plan to, well tell everyone about the horrible things that had happened to me and pepper. This ain't a good start and all but this is the only chance for me to lift the burden of bitter truth off my chest. The war that's coming it's well launched by my lost son. A son that I loved dearly and was taken away from me by Whitney frost or Madame masque. She was a girl I loved to and was my best friend when we were kids but her dad had something else in mind. After she left I had another fiancé who's name was Joanna nivenna and she well got separated from me as well. When Whitney knew about this she started to plan a demise for me and stole one of my dad's tech that he had left for me. A mask, so now you know where the name comes from right. Happy hogan died and pepper felt like she had lost everything as after all she admired happy. So me and her married and we had 2 children, Jacob and Katie .when Whitney invaded Jacob was just 1 years old. Katie. My oldest daughter came to visit as she wanted to see Jacob after all she kinda like Jacob too much. How she lives with someone else is a different story for another time. So now let's travel back in time for you and I'll tell you Every thing that happened in detail.
"Tony, TONY," wake up.
"Go away pepper," replied Tony.
"I AM KATIE not pepper."
It was a long day for Tony yesterday as he had freed pepper from the living laser and Hyperion at the same. He sighed as he lay in his bed and slipped under his warm and comfy duvet. Katie kept on calling out for him to wake up as it was breakfast time but he ignored the calls and fell into a deep sleep. The calls became a melodious song in his sleep but eventually she gave up after all being a teenager has its down right grumpy sides and he dreamed of beating Justin hammer and hydra by himself in a fight. Then came titanium man who zapped Tony in the arc reactor. Tony yelled in pain and backed away then everyone turned on him and everything became vague and black. Tony woke up startled, his chest was radiating pain making it harder for him to breath, then he saw Obadiah stane and titanium man along with m.o.d.o.g right in front of his bed. Whitney frost came floating in on a hover board. Stark looked at the time. It was 3 hours from when Katie was trying to wake him up.
"Bad dream," mocked Obadiah.
I wouldn't be betting on it. Question weren't you not dead?" Questioned Tony pointing at Obadiah and wincing his right eye down.
Obadiah had a scar near his beard and a gash near his eye. His bold head had started to sprout some hair and his white beard was a bit longer.
Obadiah started to walk forward and Tony froze, he had this all covered he wasn't scared all he had to do was kick ass and then it would be all over, right?
" like the face you'd better because you did this to me and also, Don't always believe what you see Tony," replied Obadiah stane in his creepy crooked voice.
"Poor baby had a bad dream," emphasized titanium man" well it's going to get more bad for you. goochi goochi goo."
"Shut up," yelled Tony.
Tony slid out of bed and first first punched Justin hammer in the face ( Justin hammer is titanium man)
Justin hammer got very angry about this and punched Tony in the stomach making him stumble back and fall on the floor.
Titanium man had changed drastically to. His silver armor had now a shade of green and a few scratches around the wrists of the armor.
"There there Tony you do behave just like a kid," said Obadiah stane.
"Yeah well I call out the noble punch of starkdom and it hurts like hell but it's worth it."
"Tony,tony, Tony you really think you can stop us armor less because if you are, you are making a god damn mistake."
"And you think we are here without a plan, a witch," bullied Justin hammer.
"Especially if we just destroyed you hall of armors."

"What the hell how did you......," scowled Tony but deep down Tony knew it all being a scam because if you think about it if they do all that then they would just take the armors and leave no "just play it out tone play it out."
"Go past the security without setting off your so called distress alerts, well it's easy we had modog her-"
"You mean that rodent face, egg ball."
Modog, agitated my his perfecto description, turned Tony's arc reactor against him causing immense pain to suddenly surge through his heart. For that moment he couldn't breath properly.
He withered in pain and he scrambled on to the floor when he heard his former mentor instruct modog to stop what he is doing.
"Oh Tony don't just think we saved your ass because your gonna die anyway, but the way it was going to happen now was boring. I missed on loads of my soap operas and killing you might just satisfy that." Said Obadiah.
Whitney, his old love, flinched at what Obadiah had said and Tony knew that he could use that at his advantage.
"now for the moment that you've been waiting for ENCHAnTRESS."
Enchantress came out from behind of Whitney frost and she looked weird a if she was tamed. Tony's confusion was solved when he saw the collar around her neck glow the same color as her eyes. White. She was wearing the same green clothes and her golden hair nearly brushed swayed as she stepped forward. Tony backed out and Called his amour through extremis. It clasped around his body and cooled him down.
"Looks like you didn't destroy all my armors."
"Shame on you Tony stark you think you can defeat us.... Alone?" Said Whitney frost.
Whitney's golden mask had now a touch of white and black and her suit the same as it had always been. White and black leather complete with pouches full of bombs and other weapons.
" yep I think but it also can be a distraction."
Stark then reached for avengers I'd card when titanium man repulsored it, and it fell to Tony's iron boots shattered in pieces.
" why you scum," thought Tony.
"Stark you forgot about m.o.d.o.g I can manipulate that suit..."
(Modog was a aim experiment and was a normal person long ago but his brain started to grow and his head grew big with him causing his body to shrink.)
"I know I know you talk to much by the way."
"Sometimes talking is the best way to cooperate with someone's fears, especially enemies."
"I respectfully disagree I think cooperating with someone's fears is to kickass first then throwing them into a cell with a loving smile don't you not think," presented Tony.
Modog, proving his unworthy point, for what Tony had said, accessed Tony's suit and separated it from his body. Tony screamed in pain and agony as the suit tore away from his body and scratching against his lower bare arms and shins leaving big massive cuts on his skin.
Tony fell hands first on the floor disoriented by what just happened. "Alright that could work to I guess, hey modog heads up."
And with that he stood up and went charging for the top of modogs head and started punching the energy source that was the weakness of modog. Titanium man used the earpiece on the side of his head to control enchantress so she could capture Tony in her magical bounds.
Tony looked in horror as he started to float around In the air and right infront of enchantress but before she could put the bonds on him Tony snapped the collar that was on enchantress's neck and fell to the floor. Enchantress looked at Tony and growled in anger. You dare to capture the enchantress. Now I shall use your carcasses as a souvenir on my walls. Tony scramble to his feet and looked at his new friend who he befriended a few months ago.
"mortal worry not I will protect you for now," soothed enchantress.
Tony let out a sigh of relief till all the villains started to charge towards Tony and enchantress. Enchantress put up a energy barrier to protect her and Tony from their weapons.
"I cannot stay here this is your fight try I'll to notify you puny team of Homosapians but do not blame me if they don't come in time."
"Wish you luck is what I think you mortals say."
Tony gave a nod at enchantress and she let the shields down.
Tony ran through the the empty corridor which was a few meters away from enchantress. Taking a sharp turn he remembers Jacob. "What if he was left behind in my custody," he thought.
After asking Jarvis and confirming that Jacob was at home with him, he sprinted towards his room till he received another threat to deal with.
"Fuck this shit I'm out," whispered Tony to himself.
Crymson Dynamo was standing there right infront of his destination and started to attack him.
"Tony stark you made a grave mistake firing me from you company and now is payback time."
This didn't sound like Ivan vanko it sounded more like Antonio vanko the same man who attacked Tony and brang him to red skull.
"I have nothing." He said with his hands up.
"Well that makes it easier for me."
Tony ran towards Dynamo with no plan of action but with just a plain objective ; fetch Jacob and get the hell out of here.
He slid under Dynamo after grasping the screw driver from the side table and clambered onto the enemies back.
"This looks important," Tony exclaimed whilst ripping out a bunch of wires with such a force that they instantly broke free from the rigid position. Then he shut down his armor manually by shoving the screw driver into some screws.
"All in a day's work," whispered Tony.
Tony ran towards Jacobs when the window which was next to Tony broke and Obadiah stanes son came in with one of Tony's flying boards.
"Here comes the aeroplane," he mocked whilst landing right infront of Tony.
Then Obadiah stane and the others surrounded him and Tony started to see no hope of him making out of this alive unless....
"Well done my son," commented Obadiah.
Tony shot a green blast from the power enchantress allowed him to use which hit Obadiahs son in the face sending him stumbling of the hover board. Tony jumped on and drove right into Obadiah sending him toppling over Whitney frost.
"Yeah score for me," yelled Tony.
Then modog came floating in and started shooting lasers at Tony. Tony went charging for modog until someone grasped his foot and pulled him back causing him to fall of his board. Tony tried kicking the attacker with his other foot but Madame masque had pinned him to the floor. Then he was surrounded. Tony tried to kick back at Whitney but something stabbed him between his shoulder blades. Before slipping into unconsciousness he made a call through to pepper he wished he had thought of that earlier.
" I....I...I'm under attack send someone now,"
"Tony, Tony what happened,"replied pepper worried.
"He's sedated," exclaimed titanium man.
"take him Obadiah do with him what you wish him I am taking my reward," said Whitney frost.
Whitney walked towards Jacob. He was wearing a blue shirts with stark industries written on it in write and he was wearing dark blue jeans.
His hair was dark brown and spiked up and he was wide awake crying.
"Take all you desire from him I'm off taking his child so he knows how it feels when a loved one is snatched away from you forever."
(In my story I'm having one of Tony's war planes that had killed Whitney frost parents).
Whitney grasps her reward and flew away. , swiftly on a hoverboard away from the crime like she wasn't involved.
"Let's get what we want now quickly," yelled Obadiah.
Then all of a sudden pepper came blasting into the door with a bunch of shield agents that arrested the super villains.
"oh no," whispered pepper "this isn't good."

The video above is for the people who do not know what extremis is enjoy! Also the second part will be out soon but it is already out then you can always go at the top and check out the parts of you can please recommend me other words for said umm this is a short story as its a what if and I've got other things in mind e.g mixing assassins creed with this, like its legacy and all

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2017 ⏰

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