(11) Party

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Katrina could see the effect the full moon was already having on Liam as they drove to Lydia's lake house. She sat in the back of the car while Kira drove and Liam was in the passenger seat squirming where he sat.

"Can you turn the music down?" Liam asked and Katrina looked at him in concern as the music could barely be heard as it was.

"You want me to turn the music up?" Liam didn't object but he didn't seem to become less uncomfortable either which had Katrina wondering how he was going to be able to handle the transformation. Especially the blood lust.  

"Who'd you say was coming to this party?" He asked and Kira looked at Katrina through the rear view mirror, Katrina blanked for a moment before lying as best as she could, "Um... Everyone." she said and tried to make her voice sound chipper but she doubted it came across as sincere.

Katrina herself could feel the effects of the full moon on her body but unlike a werewolf the effect it had on her wasn't bad. For a witch the full moon made them stronger so they couldn't tire when casting spells, every other time a witch casts a spell it drains them and makes them weaker.

Her body was almost buzzing with the power she felt, she had always been stronger than most other witches and the full moon had more of an effect on her than any other witch she had ever met, though in all honesty she hadn't met that many of her own kind as witches were the rarest of supernaturals.

By the time the car pulled up outside of Lydia's house Liam was as fidgety as ever and Katrina was almost bouncing in her seat from nerves and because of the constant power flowing through her. All three of them stepped out of the car simultaneously and

"Where is everyone?" Liam asked as he took in the lack of cars outside the building. Kira looked to Katrina with wide eyes before turning back to Liam, "They're here. It's a small party. "

"You said everyone was coming." Liam turned to Katrina and she smiled at him reassuringly, "They are. They're late. And we're early. So we better hurry." She knew what she was saying didn't make any sense and by the look on Liam's face he knew it too but before he could ask any questions about it she looped her arm through his and began leading him towards the house.

"Yay! Party." Liam laughed at her weird behaviour as Kira walked behind them. They reached the front door and Katrina opened it so that Liam would walk through it and then as he took in the surroundings she slammed it closed behind Kira who stepped in front of it so he could escape.

"I am so sorry." Kira said to him as he looked between her and the group of people in front of him. Scott, Stiles, Malia and Lydia were all lined up next to each other. The chains that were going to be used for Malia's transformation were lying on the table and there wasn't even a hint of a party atmosphere in the room.

"What the hell is this?" Liam asked and took a step away from Katrina who looked down instead of facing him. She could tell he felt betrayed and it hurt her to know she had caused it though feeling sympathetic towards another human being was another new thing for her and she didn't like it.

"Thing of it like an intervention. You have a problem, Liam." Stiles said and Scott took a step forwards, "And we're the only ones that can help." he said

* * *

"Werewolf? Werecoyote. Banshee. Witch. Fox?" Liam went around the room checking he knew what everyone was talking about. Katrina felt bad for him, he only agreed to a party not a lesson on supernatural creatures in Beacon Hills.

"Kitsune. But fox works." Kira corrected with a half smile. Liam turned to Stiles next who hadn't said anything about what he was because he was human and asked what he was.

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