4. I'm Insane

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Author P.O.V

"Is she going to leave me like our parents" Min Woo started to cry.

"No, No. She is just f-fainted" Suho pat his head. Luhan carried her and put her into the bed, the boys followed them along with Min Woo. Chanyeol sat next to her.

"What do you think?" Xiumin asked the others. "May be she gone crazy?" Kris tapped his chin.

"Or may be she is saying the truth" Everyone looked at Lay. "What? Who knows" He shrugs.

"B-But she doesn't know anything about Chanyeol" Baekhyun started to walk back and forth.

"Guys, I'm right here. just believe her" Chanyeol wave his hands in front of them, obviously they can't see him.

"How can we leave her like that?" Chen looked at Sarang. "Shall we stay until she wake up?" Xiumin suggested. "That's good" Kris said, they decided to stay. But they were uncomfortable because Min Woo glaring at them.

Lay noticed that and carried him in his arms, "Min Woo-ah they are your Noona friends like me". Min woo looked at them one by one, "Then they will protect her from that bad boys?".

They looked confused. "Bad boys? who?" Kai asked him. "My Noona said there were some bad boys in her class who disturbing her a lot. Will you all help her to beat them?"

Lay roll on the floor and started to laugh, because their face were priceless. They immediately knew about which 'bad boys' Min Woo is referring to.

"She even spoiled the little kid heart about us" Luhan mumbled. Suho said to Kyungsoo to cook because they can't let the kid to starve.

An hour later Sarang opened her eyes, "W-what happened?". They looked at her. "Noona, you are fine" Min Woo hugged her.

"Y-you are fainted" Tao said to her. Then she remembered everything, her eyes searched for Chanyeol and landed on him.

Sarang started to panic, "It's n-not real". She shook her head. Chanyeol came to her, "Look, I don't know how you can see me. but face the reality"

"Don't come to me" Sarang moved away from him. "Hey, I may be a ghost, but not a monster" he put his hands on his waist.

"Who knows you may be a monster?" She shooed him away. "What's happening to her?" Min Woo pointed at Sarang who pushing the thin air."We are not sure about that either" Baekhyun look confused like everyone.

"Get out, everyone get out" Sarang closed her eyes and screamed. "Guys, leave for now, I'll take care of her" Lay assured them. Luhan gave the last look at Sarang before he left the house.

"That doesn't make any sense" Baekhyun kicked the gate. "May be she hallucinated about Chanyeol" Suho said. "What do you mean by that?" Kris asked him. "Let me explain" Chen throw his hands around Luhan, "May be Chanyeol was her first love"

Luhan pushed him away, "Shut up". They saw Lay was coming outside of her house. "You said you will take care of her?" Sehun asked him. "She said she want to be alone, so she sent me away" Lay pouted. They started to laugh at Lay.

"But seriously do you think she gone crazy?" Kyungsoo asked Lay. "No No No" Lay immediately denied, "She just imagining things, yeah right"

"Whatever Let's go" Luhan started to walk. "He doesn't have any interest on Sarang" Kai shook his head. "Are you sure about that?" Xiumin pat his shoulder and walk past.

Sarang P.O.V

"Noona, are you sick?" Min Woo asked me. I looked at him, he must be worried about me. I tuck him on his bed, "No, I'm totally fine. I was playing with them"

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