Chapter 27

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Caleb up top^

Paul's POV

We finally made it back to the pack house breathing deeply, everyone transformed back into there human form including me. "Is everyone ok" Nathan asked, everyone shook their heads yes. I was beginning to take a deep breath when I felt someone'sddtd hands on my butt picking me up.

I yelped when I looked at who it was; it was Caleb, he kissed my cheek "thank you for saving me" he said softly in my ear. His breathe sent a shiver down my spine making me shake and blush, "n-no p-problem" I stuttered out, "why must you be so cute I'm going to have a hard time controlling myself if your around......but that wouldn't be to bad would it" he said.

"U-uh s-sure" I said, "HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU THIS IS NOT THE TIME" Alice yelled while smacking Caleb. "Ow sis what's your problem" Caleb said while putting me down, "SISTER" I yelled in confusion. "Yeah this is my overly protective older sis" Caleb said, while Alice nodded proudly. "OLDER" I yelled, Caleb nodded and so did Alice, "well that surprising" I said.

"Caleb, Alice, Paul, please pay attention" Tyler said softly, "ok" we all said and began to pay attention. "As we all now know Isaac said there are going to be a few more members of the Red Blood pack coming" Nathan said, I saw Tyler look over at Caden, Shawn, and Hayden. They had all been crying, I looked back at Nathan and Tyler in sympathy.

"Now we should have a couple minutes to take a rest but sooner or later we're going to have to go back outside" Nathan said. "Nathan are you serious nobodies in shape to go back out there, we've already lost two people, are you insane, plus what if Isaac was wrong" Nick said.

"You have a point.....but, what if he was right" Nathan said, everyone nodded while looking away. Suddenly there was a loud sound coming from the door, we were all upstairs and when we heard the sound we jumped. Everyone quickly transformed ready to attack at any given moment.

Then two wolves jumped from behind the wall by the staircase, everyone was about to pounce when Tyler transformed back to his normal human form and tears were streaming down his face. He walked up to the wolves and petted them, the wolves finally transformed to their human forms.

Everyone transformed and took a deep breathe of relief the wolves were......Isaac and Noah. Tyler ran up to them and hugged them both, then Caden, Hayden, and Shawn ran up to them and they had a big hug it was a nice scene. "Have the wolves arrived yet" Isaac asked, everyone looked down and lost the smiles on their faces.

"No, but are you sure they are coming" Nick asked, everyone gave him a death stare. "Nick I can see at your worried but I know what I heard" Isaac said seriously. Then we heard paws coming up the stairs, everyone was to tired to transform so they just grabbed anything that was painful in the room.

When the wolves came up there were only 3, everyone was confused including me, you'd think they'd send more than 3 people to fight a whole pack. The wolves transformed and one was a blonde haired boy, one had black hair, and the other had red hair. "We have come to deliver a message" the one with blue hair said.

"We have retreated from this fight" the black haired boy said, everyone except Nick and Alicia gasped. Alicia and Nick walked up to the guys and stood with them. "N-Nick, A-Alicia what are you doing" Nathan stuttered out, "listen we've been with the Red Blood pack recently" Alicia said while clinging to Nicks arm.

"What the hell" Tyler yelled, "yeah what the hell is wrong with you" I yelled. "You wouldn't understand, the thing is we have retreated, and we would like to start a treaty with your pack" Nick said. "What would be the conditions of this treaty" Nathan asked, "if you don't go on our lands we will be your ally in any of your battles" the boy with red hair said.

I almost fell back in shock....well almost isn't right, I actually fell down but thankfully Caleb caught me. I smiled at him and he smiled at me, I stood back up and liked at Tyler and Nathan's face. Let's just say I've never seen a mouth drop so low before in my entire life.

"You can't be serious, after all of this....after all the people your wolves probably murdered. You just want us to suck it up and sign a treaty" Nathan growled. "Basically I guess" Nick said, Nathan walked up to Nick and slapped him across the face.

"You have no sympathy, the people your new pack friends killed loved you as if you were their family" Nathan said. Everyone else in the room began growling, including Caleb who's grin tightened on my waist, I yelped a bit, and he let go after apologizing to me.

"Really, you too Alicia" Tyler said, sounding hurt on the brink of tears, "look Tyler I'm really did see you as my friend at a point of time, but now we're not ok" Alicia spat out. Tyler ran behind Alice, Alice walked up to Alicia, "you know what.....your a real bitch, and that's saying something because I've met a lot of them but you take the cake" Alice said while punching Alicia in the nose.

"Wow that really hurt my knuckles but it was sooooo worth it" Alice said while hugging Tyler. Alicia was holding her nose that was now bleeding, I busted out laughing. "Is that you Paul" the boy with blonde hair asked, I jumped hearing my name come out of his mouth.

"Yeah, just like Nick and Alicia I've found a new pack, that's much better than the Red Blood pack" I smirked. "Whatever, you were annoying anyways and you were stupid" they all laughed. I looked down and a signed tear fell. Caleb tensed up a lot, suddenly he jumped over me in his wolf form.

He knocked out all of the Nick, Alicia, and the two other guys, he had the third one in his claw, clinched to the wall. Suddenly Caleb transformed back to a human and had the blonde haired boy by the neck in his hands. Caleb was killing the guy "apologize now NOW" Caleb yelled.

"I-I'm s-sorry" the blonde haired boy said, losing the life out of him, "baby do you forgive him" Caleb said, still chocking he poor boy to death. "Y-yes just let him go k-k" I said quickly, "ok" Caleb said while letting the boy go. "Now if you wouldn't mind let's continue this conversation" the black haired boy said.

Kill me!!! Kill me now!!!! I didn't update for you guys I know but here is the next chapter and the book is off hold YAY!!!!!!!! So yeah that's all for now :)

Until we meet again my little dumplings ;)

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