chapter 2

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There is always a light to every darkness. There is always another way. Make your own decisions and don't let people rule over you.

I woke with a start. I had little memory of what had happened the day before. My arm hurts really bad. When did I get a tattoo? Let alone the necklace I am wearing. My tattoo is of a dragon that has it's mouth closed but staring at me through its ice covered eyes. I began to wonder what dragon it was and why there was ice on it's eyes.

It's Sunday which means that I have school tomorrow. I am not fond of it but at least I will have something to get my mind off of the tattoo that I have. Maybe school will be better now that I have something that no one else does. I have my tattoo at such a low age. That's when I heard it. A note had slid under my door but I was too lazy to care. When I read the top it said IMPORTANT READ ASAP. The envelope was a dark ebony blue color and the letters were red. I decided that it was time I got up and ready for the day. I got up and got the letter and the letter said this,

"The School Of The Moon

We welcome you to join us in the city of Downslide outside of Vine Line. We welcome you with open arms as your life changes from old to new and improved. Come to us and we will explain everything when you arrive. You don't have to come if you don't want to but we would highly appreciate it if you did.


The House Of The Moon

I really wanted to go but the funds would be hard to come by. Rent is hard enough to find. I know I could always ask my friends and they would supply me with my needs but they would be upset that I am leaving them. I do plan on going though as long as I am alive. And that is when it hit me, I am like one of those random people that just leave for no apparent reason. I just hope that I will know someone there.

I headed out to school in Downslide and found that the way to school was fairly easy to find. My car was a Volkswagen car thing. I never was interested in cars to know every type of them. I do love my car though. We have been through a lot. The school was huge on the outside but seemed like it would be bigger on the inside. Then out of no where this lady appeared.

"Thank you for coming to the school, Zidane Wolf. We hope you have a good four years of school. Now to the basics. You have a roommate and his name is Luke Shawn. Now we hope you have nothing against gay people because your roommate is a gay guy. If it is a problem then we can switch you to another room with another roommate." She sounded so superior to everyone here. I wondered if she ran the school. Her voice over powers everything like the wind and waters would calm for her if she asked. "No a gay person doesn't bother me as long as he doesn't hit on me. Now I have a question, What does a person eat around here because I am starved." I really wasn't hungry I just wanted to change the subjects of gay.

For some reason it turned me on a little bit but not so much that my pants couldn't hold. So as we entered the school my thoughts were right, the school is bigger on the inside. "So before we eat we need to go to the office and get you situated with your room and some of your home belongings that will be brought to your room. You can arrange it anyway you want. We do advise in engaging in any activities with your partner. There is no rule but we still advice from doing it." Her voice woke me up a little more and that is when I first noticed how tired I was. Also my head really hurt but aspirin never worked for the pain. My mind began to wander as we went to the office. Everything is so spaced out. I wont be able to find my way around the school.

"Omg I am going to be late to meet my new roommate." There was a guy running around the corner and about ran right into the girl that helped me move through the school. "Luke would you please stop running through the halls. We don't want another incident." I think "Head Mistress" paused between her words. I also was wondering what incident she was talking about. Luke was kind of cute for a guy but I doubt we would get along because he is a little too gay for my likening. I think I will get used to it though by the time we get to 'our' room.

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