New Roommates

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Todays my birthday. I'm finally eighteen! Today is also Thursday! Only one more day til the weekend! I hear a door slam and I know what that means.... Dad's home..... I quickly grab my backpack and walk over to the window, open it, and climb out onto the roof. I want to avoid all contact with my parents as possible. I don't need any abuse today.... At least i hope... I jump down off the roof landing in the gravel and take off running towards school. Most kids hate going to school but me, well it's the only safe place I have.
Once I reach school i go into first period. After a couple of classes its lunch time. I go to my locker and get out the few dollars I have. I walk over to a table where Sydney and Naomi are sitting, my friends. I sit beside Sydney and she looks over at me with a wide smile,"Happy birthday Spenc!" Spenc is short for Spencer. I give Sydney a quick smile and look down at the floor. Naomi nudges my shoulder and I look over at her,"Hey spenc lighten up it's your birthday!" I look back up and hug them both "Thank you both for being there for me ever since third grade!" They hug back smiling and say in unison "No problem and we're ALWAYS be here." I'm glad I have them as my friends. And then the moment was ruined by the school player walking over and saying with a wink, "Happy birthday Spencer" Syd and Nam scoot over a little and then Justin leans in and whispers in my ear,"I could make it better later if you want" of course he'd flirt with anyone. I push him back with a glare "Fuck off I don't need you or your player ways today or ever" I hiss at him and he just chuckles and walks away with a "We'll see about that later princess" and a wide smirk.
When I get home I don't feel like climbing through the window so I just walk in through the door. As I walk in my mom is laying on the couch with a bottle of beer like always and my dad is drunk....again. My mom raises up and yells at me... This time she's sober..."GET OUT!" it's not normal for it to start happening as soon as i walk in the door... I usually have about five minutes or so.... She stands up and walks towards me "GET YOUR SHIT AND GET OUT! I'M TIRED OF TAKING CARE OF YOUR WORTHLESS SELF YOU'RE OLD ENOUGH TO HAVE AN APARTMENT AND LIVE ON YOUR OWN SO GET OUT!!" I gladly take that offer but I still have no money or anything..... I run upstairs and grab my phone charger and stuff my backpack with some clothes and other essentials. I run back out of the house and run down the block. No turning back and I'm never going to.
I reach a McDonalds and stop and walk inside so i can use the WiFi to look for a place to stay. I finally find an apartment who the owner is renting out the extra room and call the number. After getting off the phone with the owner who's name is Justin who is letting me off the hook this month for half rent but next month I need to get a job to be able to pay half the rent.... Or as soon as possible.
I walk to the apartment building and walk to the fifth floor and walk to apartment C-5. I knock on the door and it opens a few moments later to a smiling familiar face. "Welcome Spencer I guess we're roommates then huh?" he asks with a sly smirk and I just force a smile and nod "I guess so... Justin." I am now roommates with the biggest player ever. Justin Martinez.

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