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The next day I washed the clothes then walked over to Oscar's. I wasn't going to knock so I quickly put them on the front step then turned to see you, Ryan. 

I look at you and take a step back. You take one forward. I take one back. Then my back hits the wall. You smirk then walk up to me. 

"Hi." You say. I look up and nod.

You take my trembling hands and hold them. I pull them away and you looked hurt. "You have a rep." I say while walking away. 

Sadly you didn't give up that easily. 

"Summer." He says while running up to me. I walk faster then you take my hand. "You're hands are so boney." He says looking at my fingers. He is so warm. 

"I have to go." I say then turn to leave. 

He grabs my waist and pulls me against him and whispers in my ear. "Why don't you eat?" 

I look down then hear someone yell my voice. Oscar. "Summer! You left your clothes at my place." He says walking up to me. I grab them and mumble a thank you. Then walk away.

I hear Ryan yelling for me. I turn around. "WHAT DO YOU WANT RYAN?!" I yell. He looks taken aback then pissed. "DID I MAKE YOU ANGRY? WELL SUCK IT UP. FIND SOMEONE ELSE TO BULLY AROUND." I say then walk away.

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"I mean. I am moving. I have the money and my mom said she'll give me more." I say then see him look sad. I put my hand on his cheek. "Don't look sad. I've had my run. I sucked it up for as long as I could. I remembered your schedule on when you guys would beat me. I can't take it anymore." I say then remove my hand. 

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