The Deal

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The harsh tone from the Empress of Aogiri was heard throughout the palace made of trees.

"No," she repeated. "I will not form a marriage with a human like him. If he even is human."

"You do want a heir of your own don't you, Empress Sen?" Asked Toro, her royal adviser. He was frustrated with this talk already since it has been a hundred times of this topic: marriage with the human kingdom.

"I quite do, Toro," she said. "I just do not wish for a child who is more human than ghoul. What advantage is there towards war when my child will fight?"

Toro kept quiet. He didn't know what more to say. He thought of convincing her even more than he had already had, but no. She was too stuborn. He thought of one thing... brining the two royals together.

"The King of the human empire sent something earlier today, your Majesty." Toro prayed that this would work. "The letter was of wanting to meet with him. I completely forgot of this. I do apologize very much, Empress Sen."

Glaring at Toro by the mirror, Empress Sen ignored the fact that her loyal adviser had forgotten something important. "Considering that he is human, I suppose bringing him here is fine."

Sighing, Sen fixed her magenta colored dress before turning to face Toro.

"Just make sure the servents and my people don't chew him up on the way to the palace."

Running down the dark hall, Toro had to message the human kingdom. Hopefully the messanger won't lose their way to the human kingdom. Toro wouldn't be able to put up with that, especially an angered Empress at his side.


"Emperor Arima, sir, an urgent message from the Kingdom of Aogiri has been brought to you." King Arima looked over at his royal adviser, Akira, and frowned. A look that was never rare to see.

"Let me see it."

Handing the letter to the Emperor, he glared at the words and what the Kingdom of Aogiri was asking.

"Empress Sen has asked for a visit," said Arima.

"Must be their dinner time..." muttered Akira, who quietly scoffed at what the Emperor had said. She stood up and straightened her suit, since she did not want a dress to wear so thay it would fall behind her. "Shall I prepare your things, your Highness?"

Looking bored and dull, the Emperor nodded. "And bring my toy along, just in case."

Akira walked out the room, only to enter the hallway and run to hurry everything up.

In the end, both advisers frantically hurried to prepare the grand visit.

You see... ahem. The kingdom of ghouls and of humans were supposed to have a grand wedding, instead they became enemies working secretly in a way that made them together yet apart. And for the first time in years, they get togethe. But for who knows what? That's why once the information was spread around the palace and then to the civilians... my gosh. It was like everyone was preparing for a war.

"Your Majesty, the humans have arrived."

Empress Sen rised up from her throne to make way for the human guests. Her green gown trailed behind her, matching her similar green colored hair. A forced smile was placed on her lips, and instead of walking graciously on the marble floor to the guests, Empress Sen skipped towards the Emperor Arima.

"Such a pleasure, Empress Sen," Arima bowed down, emotionless as ever and placed a very, very lighy kiss on her knuckles.

"Not yet, Emperor Arima. And please, call me Eto."

Toro froze at Sen telling a mere human to call her, "Eto," a name only her forgotten father had named her as. Akira froze at Sen saying, or more like interpreting-saying, that Arima would give her pleasure later on in this gathering!

Both royal advisers were in awe at their masters.

"...Emperor Arima and Royal Adviser Akira, please follow me."

The Emperor and Adviser nodded in a polite gesture to Empress Sen, who still had that forced smile on her face. Even when she was walking behind the two.

Silence followed until they had all reached the dinner table that expanded from one door to the other. "Adviser Akira and I shall give you two privacy. Shall we, Akira?" The blonde nodded; into the kitchen with the chefs they go.

"Something must be happening at the moment, Empress Eto?" Said Arima.

"Just Eto, thank you. I dare say... yes. Something is the matter. Oh, may I go on?"

He nodded.

"One kingdom, abandoned and alone with very little population is now, shall I say, growning. A kingdom both our founding fathers thought would die. But no. It lives to this day. That kingdom needs a king! A queen... not entirely sure... The people of that tiny village soon-to-be empire needs a ruler of its own. How will they get by on their own for a home? Right, Emperor Arima?"

Keeping quiet and hearing the echo of Sen - Eto's voice, Arima's right side of his mouth turned up. No one could see it from afar.

"You ask for a heir," spoke Arima. "A child you want to raise into a king with the help of a human man?"

"The story continues," ignoring him, Eto spoke. "Some had said that there was once a king. One Eyed King, a ghoul, a human, an unknown being with powers greater than ours. Some had said that that was you, Emperor."

Looking straight at her with no hesitation, Arima frowned again. "What I am saying is," bring back what he said earlier, Arima scooted in just a bit closer to the table, "is that you want a heir from me. A being much stronger. I may provide you a heir but I cannot be certain the child will be a powerful being like you wish."

Smiling from end to end, Eto stood up. "Then let's see."

"OKAY!" Toro. "I," said Toro, "present to you a cup of our finest tea."

"It smells delicious," said Akira, who was standing and had a cup of her own. "Where did this come from?"

Scoffing, Toro turned away. "Don't ask me. I don't know."

Just as Arima was going to take a sip of tea, Eto stood up. Having her take view of the Empress and the hallway behind him. "I have a deal." She said.

"If it involves se-"

"No. This contains on raising our child."

"PFFFT-" Akira almost died from the words, "our" and, "child". Toro had to drag her out of the dining room and back into the kitchen.

Continuing her speech, Eto stared down at Arima. Sort of like she was in control... which she actually is. "You do not want him to be a ghoul. If you don't remember, Arima, my mother was human and from your kingdom. If anything, this child will be raised by his birthmother to be a powerful ghoul. Since you are the creator, you would want to raise him to. And since no marriage is proposed in this situation, then we would have to transfer our son to two kingdoms. Correct?"

"I am following you quite well, Empress."

"Well, there you go. Once he is of a youthful age, he shall stay with one of us in an appropriate time to teach him of humans and ghouls. And maybe... he will find peace in them all, unlike us."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2017 ⏰

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