Were Friends Right

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You are now Karkat Vantas, Dave Strider was with Terezi Pyrope and she said that it was their hive, that made you feel bad, so you went over to Gamzee Makara's place. "gamz" "yeah bro?" "so youre okay with me staying here right" "yup, but, you never told me why" you went silent "gamz" "yeah bro?" "were friends right" "yes, why?" "because- would you break our moirailship for someone else" you start to tear up at the thought "no bro" he pulls you in for a hug and you start to whimper crying lightly, he holds out a < with is fingers and you do the > with yours making a <> with him and you smile some and he kisses your cheek "dave" "what about dave bro?" "he...he left me for terezi" gamzee starts growling lightly "that motherhonker gonna get something from me" "gamzee dont talk like that" "no bro" you went silent again and he lets you getting up and walking out.

~~DaveKat~~ Summer FunWhere stories live. Discover now