Chapter Twenty One

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The heart can break easily. What hurts the most is for your heart to be wripped from your chest.

Caden’s POV.

I dream all night without Luca by my side. He’s in every one of them. He smiles at me, takes my hand, and guides me through our future. At least what I hope our future will be like. He’s happy, smiling, and laughing. Our eyes meet several times and his grin widens. I love watching him. Every move he makes, every breath he takes, it’s like we’re connected. Like I can feel him moving and living and breathing. I can, too. I watch him watching me. It’s so obviously a dream because he doesn’t have the scar on his face. It’s no longer weighing him down. It feels strange to see him without it. Like part of my beautiful angel is missing. I know he hates his scar, but I’ve always associated it as being part of him. And I love him so much. Scar or no scar, he’s perfect to me.

The dream changes pretty quickly, though. One minute we’re both laughing and smiling. Luca’s lying on my chest, his eyelashes fluttering as he watches me. Then he’s starting to sit up and when I try to pull him back he distances himself from me. It’s like he doesn’t want me to touch him anymore. It hurts. A lot. My hands start to shake as Luca explains why we’re better off not being together. It’s not the same reason my Luca would say this. He tells me it’s because he knows he can do better – which I already know. He wants to find someone smarter than me. I look into his eyes, but he’s not my Luca. He’s cold. The way he talks isn’t even what I’m talking about. The soul has been sucked from his eyes. His words are cold and to the point. Not a bit of kindness comes off them. This isn’t my Luca. My Luca would never say anything like this to anyone.

“Caden!” A hand smacks my arm and I grunt. “Fuck, Caden. Wake the fuck up.”

Slowly, I open my eyes to see Ty looming over me. He’s scowling. For a second I contemplate beating the shit out of him for hitting me. But I quickly decide I’m grateful for him. The nightmare’s over now and I’ll have my Luca back in my arms very soon. I roll over on the bed and throw my legs over the side, groaning as my legs ache from whatever I did during the night catches up with them. I feel like my bones are breaking. Everything aches right now. And I feel like someone has beaten me with a hammer or something. Why does it have to hurt so fucking much?

Crap. It hurts like hell.

“Sorry, dude. Did I wake you?” I ask. Already knowing what his answer will be. He doesn’t answer for a second and I wonder if he’s pissed at me for some reason. I feel like shit for even thinking I was going to hit him. If I didn’t have a headache right now, I probably would apologise to him. But I do have a hell of a sore head and something… Something really has me freaked out because of that nightmare. Never again. I promise myself. Never again.

“You could say that. I swear to God, I thought you were gonna hurt yourself. You really were out of it. What happened? Did you have a nightmare or something?”

I nod slowly. “Well, I had something. Don’t ask me what. I really don’t know.”

He walks out of the room and I start to change. Excitement bubbles inside me at the thought of meeting Luca. I’m really glad we don’t have to spend a lot of time apart. Being neighbours has some advantages. A lot of them, actually. I’ll be able to practically like at his house, even if my parents warn me against overstaying my welcome. I’ve already been invited by Maria and Angelo. Eliana was too busy scolding him to really comment. But she was no less welcoming than normal. In fact, yesterday was an amazing day when all is said and done. I have my beautiful boyfriend, my family, my health, and some great friends. And yes, Leah is included in that. She’s been a really great friend to Luca, she loves my cousin, and I actually think she’s alright now that know she won’t go after the love of my life.

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