1. Truth is only stranger than fiction if you're a stranger to the truth. Which means you're either a liar or you're fictional.
2. A realistic story is a story lacking in imagination. (What does realistic mean, anyway? Would you say something is true-istic?)
3. I've never met a joke so bad I didn't like it. Then again, I've never met a joke.
4. When in doubt, you can't be wrong.
5. Whether it's chocolate or socks, the rule is the same: the darker the better.
6. There is more to life than chocolate. There is, for example, cheese.
7. If a waiter accidentally serves you a burger with mayonnaise, it's not enough for him to scrape it off. He must order you a new burger.
8. It's pronounced sue DON im us.
9. Secret? What Secret?
10. I know you are, but what am I?
This isn't what it looks like
Non-Fiction[Avert your eyes! This containts top secret, super-classified, highly confidental information.] - You're not supposed to know that Cass may be in grave danger after eating the dreaded Time Travel Chocolate. Or that Max-Ernest, our expert hypochondri...