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Cricket chirps could be heard along with the shrill of rasping winds beaming through the steel roofing. It was an unpleasant sound but nothing unfamiliar to Dr.Zhou. She was far too focused in her research to get distracted by trivial matters. Her latest adventure was studying the effects of climate change in the upper regions of the northern hemisphere. Compared to her home in Xi'an,China.. Coburg Island was a desolate wasteland.

The mountain terrain was rugged and surrounded by unforgiving ice cold waters. If you were to venture there, the only sound you would hear would be of your own breath and ice slowly etching it's way down the landscape. The first impression could be considered quite dull. Nevertheless, the ruins of an old watchpoint added to the eerie atmosphere. It was just a pile of mere mossy stone in the shape of a column. Even the dimmest of souls could tell that the trek to get close was fairly dangerous. However, from a certain angle on the left side of the tower you could see a rusted plate with steel handles.

A single person couldn't lift the plate. Most people thought it was due to the sheer weight of such metal and normally left it alone. Even the strongest of adventurers deemed this to be true. Yet, it was only a cheap trick with magnetism to prevent the common eye. This is of course referring to the "explorers" who would go near the building to take a picture of themselves to put on social media. You would think the Omnic War of all things would deter people from being so careless.

During this horrific time, an abundance of assassinations were taking place in major cities. Travel was prohibited. Again, the laws never stopped the curious. Mei-Ling Zhou is a particular person that would fall under that category. Rumor has it from several reputable scientists that she was a stowaway on a military vessel for about two weeks. When Mei arrived near her departure point she jumped off and swam several miles in frozen waters to get to a stationed Overwatch laboratory. Alas.. it is only but a rumor. A climatologist of all people wouldn't go to those lengths for science.

In the lab, Mei was bustling through papers as if she only had minutes left to solve a formula. Her hazel eyes were focused, sweat searing down her face, and her adrenaline was at an all time high. She had finally finished the proto-type for a small flying robot. The finishing touches were being set into place. This of course included the features of a blizzard maker, tracking, and adorable face emoticons.

On the other side of the room you could hear footsteps walking towards her. The beat of walking was out of sync and somehow steady at the same time. It was a soothing rhythm.

There was a slight pause.

"Brrr.. I get cold just lookin at cha" Jamison spoke in a soft yet silly tone.
His Australian accent was prevalent.

The series will continue.
Part 2 will be released in around a month.

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