....Kiddo...I'm so sorry

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(reader's POV) 

         "...Heya Kiddo? Are you al-"

The voice cuts off, whether the person speaking was startled into silence or the time had finally come for your departure you were not entirely sure. The sharp pains from what you had done are finally numbing as well as most of your body.


The voice starts and then stops abruptly. The voice seems vaguely familiar but in your current state of mind you are unable to pin point its owner.... What a shame.

      "Kiddo...why would you..."

You feel a pressure around your body and a short rush of air as you are lifted into their arms. For a moment you thought to yourself that it could be Sans, but then you remind yourself that he was the reason you did this. Him and his seemingly immense hatred for you and your life. Those cruel words he spat at you earlier had broke your already frail heart.

----------------------------------------------------Two Hours Earlier------------------------------------------------

Sans glares at you, eye sockets completely dark instead of containing his usual white pinprick pupils. His once commical and comforting grin now stretched into an errie unsettling and cold smile. "Kiddo I've got a question for ya... Why's it always you who survives instead of paps?" His voice is cold and almost emotionless, the only emotion you are able to sense is hatred. You look away feeling tears form in your eyes and a lump form in your throat. You sigh quietly to yourself and speak voice shaking "Sans I-I don't choose to survive, trust me, I don't want to be here I-" You cut yourself off and making a choking sound trying your hardest not to shed tears in front of your crush.

Sans turns aroud suddenly, his back facing you and starts walking away, but stops and speaks in a low voice "I wish you would be killed instead, or find a way to erase yourself like HE did. Maybe then you would be useful" And with that he teleports away not looking back. You fall to the ground fully, instead of just staying on your knees, sobs wrack through you. You cry uncontrollably.

----------------------------------------------- Back to present time----------------------------------------------------

                            "...I'm so sorry (Y/N)....."

That voice.... It really was Sans after all. 'What is he doing here? Doesn't he hate me? Why did he come back?' thoughts and questions fill your aching head. You feel yourself try to push him away, but you know you are too weak, you have to stop though as a series of sharp burning pains shoot through your wounds causing you to let out a sharp hiss. You will have to try a different approach...


Your soft broken voice breaks his paniced silence causing Sans to jump in alarm. Yourself slipping further into the cold darkness. The stab wounds you inflicted upon yourself cause you to choke up more of the iron smelling red liquid you've come to hate. You close your eyes, feeling light headed.

                     " no...no. no! NO!! GODDAMMIT NO!!!!"

Sans yells his voice shaking as he holds you tighter to his trembling form, your blod painting his milky white bones a disgusting metallic red color.

      "..I'm so sorry (Y/N)... please... please don't die on me"

Sans pleads and begs you, his voice cracking from the tears threatening to fall, until eventually he doesn't hold them back anymore and they start falling freely hitting your cheeks. Sans cries and begs you not to go, to no avail. Your mind is filled with confusion and hurt, why would he say those things to you if he actually cared about you, if he actually cared whether or not you lived.

     "Y...you... wanted me... Dead" 

You mumble opening your eyes to see his widen and tear fall harder than before. He looks at you an almost hopeless look in his eye sockets. His always grinning mouth seems to almost from.

    "Kiddo..I'm sorry I was drunk and upset. I didn't mean any of it!!"

His voice is filled with desperation and his body shakes and trembles. His bones rattle quietly. Your eyes widen a dull hope filling your injured and dying body. You know you're running out of time but maybe just maybe you can tell him how you feel before you go. Your body jerks and you cough up more blood, you grow even colder and your vision is slowly fading. With your last bit of strength you reach up and brush away some of his ghostly blue tears and smile.

    "Sans..I love you"

His eye sockets widen and he clinks his teeth against your lips quickly and whispers in your ear

" I love you too kiddo" 

You smile and let go. Your eyes glaze over and your body goes limp in Sans' shaking arms. At least in the end you knew he loved you, now you can rest peacefully and see him in the next reset. Sans stares and you and cries as your soul shatters. He screams and yells for you to come back but nobody came. Your time was up. Sometimes an I'm sorry isn't enough to undo the deeds done. Sometimes it's too late... Not everyone gets a happy ending.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2016 ⏰

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Sometimes an I'm sorry isn't enough {A Sansx Suicidal!Reader Oneshot}Where stories live. Discover now