Dylan & Mario

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Requested by: boyitzdylan
Hope you like it! 😋

Can we go now!" Mario whined getting frustrated that he had to be here with me shopping at the mall.

"I'm almost done" I said as I took another shirt from the rack "How about you go order some food while you wait" I replied

"Sure" He sighed

I quickly went to the changing room and tried on a couple of the outfits I had selected from earlier though I was rushed by Mario who wanted to go to the food court, but I was hungry too.

"You sit here and I'll get the food" He smiled as I sat down in the chair. I gave him a smile back and laughed awkwardly "Kay"

I took out my phone and scrolled through Instagram while I waited.
"Hey gorgeous is this seat taken?" A strangers voice said.

My eyes stayed glued to my phone
"I have a boyfriend leave me alone. He should be here in any minute"

"Dylan you don't remember me?"

I sighed "Look I told yo-" once I looked up I realized who it was. A old best friend, he moved to Canada and we sorta drifted apart I guess ever since he got a girlfriend over there.

"Marcus!" I squealed as I hugged him tightly he picked me up and swing'ed me around. My cheeks flushed realizing he was the one to call me gorgeous.

"So where's that boyfriend of yours." He smiled looking around.

A strong confident voice spoke
"That would be me.Who are you?" Mario held our food staring at Marcus.

Marcus put an arm around me smiling "Marcus. I'm an old best friend of Dylan's"

"Ok first of all" Mario made his way over and took Marcus arm off my shoulder "Hands of my girl" He growled "Second why are you here".

"Well I saw Dylan and thought I would say hi. You know what friends do when they say to each other" He said teasingly

"Um sit with us" I awkwardly said as Marcus pulled a chair to our table still with that cocky grin.
"Dylan you've gotten so much more beautiful since the last time I saw you"

I cheekily smiled. Things were getting awkward "Uh thanks" I moved a strand of hair out of my face.

"Buddy. She's always been beautiful." Mario looked at him with a look that could kill. I looked straight down at my food as the tension in the air thickened.

I assumed Marcus got the hint and took out a pen scribbled something on my napkin. He stood up
"It was great seeing you again"

I nodded smiling
"Same. See you around Marcus."

"Yeah a pleasure" Mario mumbled rolling his eyes. Marcus left and Mario grabbed the napkin looking to see he left his phone number.
"He gave you his number"


"I don't want you talking to him."

"Mario." I groaned "He's been my best friend for a very long while. Plus he's got a girlfriend"

"Ok okay."

I took the napkin out of his hand
giggling "Chill. We're only friends"

"Not in his mind"

I sighed taking a bite of my food
"Mario. Who am I with right now?"


"Who am I dating ?"


I stood up and kissed his cheek , to then sit back down "Now eat. Food ain't good when cold"

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