Slow Dancing and Pancakes

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Allen awoke to beams of sunlight cast upon his face through his bedside window. The familiar scent of his lover's cologne lingered on the pillow his head remained nuzzled into, despite the absence of his lover. Allen huffed at the realization that kanda had woken up before him, sluggishly lifting himself out of bed to find said man. Upon exiting his shared bedroom, the scent of pancakes brought a smile to the younger's face. He made his way to the kitchen where he saw a shirtless kanda stood by the stovetop removing freshly made pancakes and putting them on two plates. Allen's smile grew wider as he took in the sight, the older's ink black hair cascading down his toned back. Kanda swayed his hips softly as he whistled a familiar song. Allen just watched blissfully, admiring Kanda's toned form.
"Saketa mune no kizuguchi ni"
Kanda sung softly with a raspy voice, a dead giveaway that he hasn't been awake long.
Allen walked sluggishly over to the samurai, wrapping his arms around him from behind.
Kanda jumped,
".. Fucking hell! when did you get up?!"
Allen giggled at the older's surprise, head resting on the samurai's toned
shoulder blades.
"Hmnhg," Allen mumbled, still tired having just woken moments ago. Kanda turned to face him, the boy's eyes glazed with sleep. In that moment kanda thought that nobody should look as beautiful as Allen after first waking up.
".. Morning," kanda spoke, raising a hand to cup Allen's cheek. He planted a chaste kiss on the white haired boy's forehead, to which Allen hummed in delight. Kanda turned his head to cover the smile that spread across his face at the sight before him.
"Good Morning, Bakanda."
"er-yOU DAMN MOYASHI!" The samurai was quick to fire back in response to his """"endearing"""" nickname.
Allen giggled once more, kissing kanda softly. As their lips connected, the younger  gently grabbed kanda's left hand and guided the right to his own waist. Upon their lips parting, Allen rested his head against the swordsman's muscular chest. They swayed back and forth, dancing ever so delicately to that same song from earlier, except this time Allen was the one singing it.
"afure nagareru pain in the dark"
Allen sung sleepily as Kanda guided their movements. They danced as one body, their movements in synch although tired and slow. Kanda, (though like hell if he'd admit it), found himself humming along as he rubbed circles into his boyfriend's lower back.
When the song concluded, they remained a while longer. Still holding on to each other as if in fear to let go. They swayed back and forth, savoring the moment until an interruption from Allen's stomach reminded the two of the pancakes that had been made.
In the moments that followed, the two sat across from each other at their kitchen table. They talked and laughed between bites of pancakes and sips of coffee, (thanks to a certain swordsman knowing that caffeine is more than necessary to get Allen awake). All was warm and worry free, well, until their phones obnoxious ring resonated through the apartment.

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