Part 3: New Family

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>Sanji gave smoothies to all of you and started to walk away, when Luffy came to you. He looked so serious that it even little scared you. "(Y/n), I want your answer."<

Third Person P.O.V.

You looked at Luffy with your eyes wide from the unexpected question. "Can we go to talk somewhere else about this?" Luffy nodded and signed for you to follow him. You got up from your chair and turned to look at the girls quickly, before walking to where your captain had just went. Both of them looked at you worried for what your answer would be. You two walked to the library, where Luffy turned to you still looking serious.

"So (Y/n), i really want your answer." You got little nervous of his intense staring, and could feel how a lump was forming to your throat. "At first i was really determined that i need to get to my parents home island, but then i got friends... and i got to knew you guys. Really Luffy, your crew is amazing, they're all so kind and understanding, and on top of that fun to be around." You were now smiling with tears in your eyes. Luffy just looked at you and smiled little. "What i'm trying to say is... if it's still possible, i would be honored to join your crew."

Luffy didn't say anything, he was just standing there with his straw hat on his eyes, so that you couldn't see them. "You really think... that after these 2 weeks... i would..." You were so scared. 'Oh no... is he not going to let me in anymore?' "Not want you anymore?! You silly woman! Of course we still want you!" Luffy jumped and hugged you so tight you couldn't breath for a moment. As he let go of you, you felt how relief washed over you. Luffy smiled to you with that big smile of his. "Welcome to the crew." And with that he just ran outside.

You took deep breath and were about to go follow your captain, when all of sudden your legs gave up. You felt yourself falling down and closed your eyes, waiting to hit the cold and hard floor, but surprisingly it never came. Instead, two strong arms took hold of your waist and lifted you up. Carefully you opened your eyes, only to be greeted with Franky's warm smile and little hint of blushing? "Oh, umm thank you... i thought i was going to fall again." Franky chuckled and lifted you up, so that you were now standing. "It's no problem... umm.. i heard you're part of the crew now..." You felt how your cheeks got little warm and you nodded. "Yeah..." As you two were standing there in surprisingly peaceful silence, you realized Franky's hands were still on your waist. "Umm... Franky...?"  He kept looking into your eyes. "What is it?" He looked at you with such gaze that, for a moment you could swear, you didn't care if the ship would sink. But then you remembered. "Your hands are still on my waist."

With that his face got really red and he took his hands away from you, leaving you to miss the feeling of his arms around you. "S-sorry about that, i think i'm just gonna go to the deck and see what the others are doing." Franky stuttered and started to walk away. 'Stupid me! Why did i have to go and say about his hands!?' You were scolding yourself as someone came to the room.

"(Y/n)!!! Oh my god!! You're staying! I'm so happy!" Nami and Robin came running to the room "And apparently, we're out of food supplies so we're going to stay at your parents home for couple days!" The smile on your face crew as you heard the news. "Did Luffy really say that?" Robin and Nami nodded and looked at you with big smiles. You felt how all the guilt in you eased. After all it was little pity that you had traveled this far, even thought you weren't going to stay at the island.

Suddenly Nami walked closer to you and put her hand on your shoulder. "Now tell us, why was Franky blushing when he walked out of here?" She was smirking at you as your cheeks grew little bit hotter and redder. "I don't know what you mean..." With that you walked out of the library.

~~Time Skip~~

The ship had finally docked, and everyone had something they wanted to do. You had planed to go to see your parents graves, and were about to leave when Franky came from behind you. "Hey (Y/n), do you mind if i come with you?" You looked at him little surprised but smiled and shook your head. "No not at all, it would be nice to have some company." He smiled back to you and offered his hand. You looked at it for little while but took it, smiling and blushing little. "I hope this is okay for you?" Franky asked, tightening his grip on your hand. You giggled little and did the same thing to his hand."If it wasn't alright, i wouldn't have taken your hand." He chuckled and blushed. 

You two left the ship and started to walk to the other side of the small and only village. The island wasn't that big so there weren't many people living here. You and Franky looked around you and  smiled to each other from time to time. When you reached the edge of the village, you saw this beautiful field. In the middle of the field, there was little hillock and on top of it, there were two grave stones, just sitting there beside each other. Your grip got little tighter around Franky's hand and he noticed you were nervous. It had been 10 years, since you had last seen your parents and you weren't sure if you were ready to meet them like this. 

Franky smiled to you and tightened his hand around yours. "It's going to be alright." You took deep breath and nodded. "Let's go." He walked beside you till you two reached the graves. You let go of Franky's hand and walk closer. You looked at them for little while and smiled. "Hi mom, hi dad... it's.. it's kind of weird to talk to you, after all this time. Ten years is a long time, but i'm alright now. I have new family, and they would do anything to keep me safe, and of course i do the same for them." You looked at Franky, smiling little and turned then back to the graves. "So you don't have to worry. I'm in good hands." Tears were appearing to your eyes as you talked, but you were still able to keep them form falling. You knew that if you let them to fall, you would brake down right there. 

Apparently you didn't hide it well enough. All of sudden you felt how two strong arms warped around your stomach. Franky was hugging you from behind. "You know you don't have to keep it in, i'm here for you and believe me when i tell you, i won't let you fall." That was it. You broke down right there. The tears just started streaming down your cheeks and you started sobbing. You turned around and gripped Franky's shirt into your fists. He felt how his shirt got soaked by your tears, but he didn't care. He sat down and held on to you, comforting you for some hours. Before you even noticed it, it was becoming dark. 

You had calmed down and now you two were only sitting there, talking about anything that came to mind. "I'm sorry for your shirt..." Franky chuckled little. "It's alright, it doesn't matter. As long as i can make you feel better, nothing else matters." you were sitting on Franky's lap and just looking at the stars. Suddenly you felt how cold wind hit your skin, and you shuddered little. Franky looked down at you with concern in his eyes. "We should probably go back to the ship, you're freezing, aren't you?" You laughed little. "Guilty.." You two got up and Franky took your hand. Since the sun had set already the grass had become little moist. Your leg slipped on the slippery grass and you started falling, getting Franky down with you since you two were holding hands. 

You both hit the ground and when you opened your eyes, you were met with his brown ones. Franky was lying on top of you, only leaning to his elbows so that he didn't drop right on top of you. Your faces were only inches away from each other and you felt your cheeks getting hotter, and could only hope it was too dark for him to see. Franky looked into your (e/c) eyes and his brain went blank. He had never seen anything as beautiful as your eyes, they held so much in them. It was like whole different world and it was something he could have spent days, weeks maybe even years, looking at. He started to look at your other features, and kept taking them in, trying to remember everything, till his eyes hit your lips. After that his eyes kept travelling from your eyes to your lips and back. 

You had started to do the same, after all you had never been this close to his face before. You had always thought that he was handsome but now that you saw him this up close, you were mesmerized. His eyes were so perfect and kind. You too, had noticed his lips, and were trying to steal unnoticeable glances to them, but didn't succeed. Franky started to lean down, closer to you, but stopped just before your lips touched. He looked into your eyes and you into his, you could feel his breath hitting your lips and you were now really eager to get him all to yourself. He leaned down and...


Hello my lovelies! I'm so so so sorry this one took so long, but here it is! And i know you love me... even thought you might hate me now.... for that cliffhanger right there... but still... you love me.... or at least i love you all. Oh and i'll try to update little sooner next time, this one really took too long.... anyways, as always, i love you all and byee!!! 

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