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Louis looked up from Harry's chest to see if the younger boy was joking. He wasn't. "Harry..." He whispered and crawled up to look into Harry's eyes a little better. "It's me.. Louis.. Louis Tomlinson.." He quietly explained. "We met at X Factor.. Joined a band together... We started dating and fell in love.." He explained, hoping that Harry would remember what happened and remember Louis. "We.. We had a fight.. You kissed another guy.. and I was going to propose.." He whispered. Harry looked down at Louis and furrowed his eyebrows. He didn't know who this guy was or why he was saying that they were together. He didn't audition for the X Factor, not that he knew of. 

A doctor came in and gently pried Louis off of the bed. He walked Louis out to the hallway and looked at him with worry in his eyes as the blue eyed pop star cried silently. "Mr. Styles.. It seems as if he took quite the blow to the head, whether it be from being hit by the car of hitting the ground, has messed up his brain, the part where he remembers things. Louis, he might not be able to remember anything ever again.." The doctor explained. Louis let out another round of sobs and fell into the doctor's chest, crying terribly. He didn't know what to do, but he knew that he had to do something. He had to get Harry to remember him. He had to have his lover remember him or he didn't know what he would do. He couldn't, and wouldn't live without Harry in his life. 

The doctor rubbed Louis's back and whispered comforting words in Louis's ear, but the only person who could ever, and would ever, comfort Louis didn't even know who he was. That almost killed Louis on the spot. Louis needed Harry like the earth needed water, like people and animals needed air, like farmers in Oklahoma needed the rain, he needed Harry. "Other than the slight brain damage, he should be okay. His bruises and fractured bones should heal fairly quickly." The docor told Louis, trying to lighten the mood and make Louis somewhat happier, but it didn't happen; Louis was still sobbing onto the doctor's chest and staining his clothes with tears. Nick walked up behind Louis and carefully removed Louis from the doctor's grip. 

"It'll be okay, we can get him to remember.." Nick whispered. Louis shook his head and just pushed Nick off. It was, in Louis's mind, Nick's fault now. Now it was Nick's fault. If Nick didn't fancy his boyfriend, then none of this would have happened. If Nick didn't fancy Harry, then it would be Harry&Louis. Louis would have proposed to the curly headed, green eyed boy and they would be getting married and have kids and grow old together, but because of Nick, that wasn't going to happen. 

"I hate you." Louis simply stated before walking back into Harry's room and slamming the door shut. He smiled over at Harry as he made his way to the young boy. He couldn't help but be mad. He was mad at everyone and everything. It was Nick's fault for liking Harry. It was Harry's fault for cheating. It was Louis's fault for being too dramatic. It was the fans's fault for posting that video. It was the internet's fault for having the video on there. Everyone and everything were at fault, mainly Nick. 

"Hi, Louis, right?" Harry asked when Louis walked in and sat beside Harry on the bed. Louis nodded and smiled sadly as he wiped his eyes. Harry frowned when he saw the traces of the tears and sat up, only to have Louis slowly lay him back down so he wouldn't hurt himself anymore than he already has. "Are you okay?" Harry asked, looking at Louis with concern. Harry might not have been able to remember Louis, but Harry never liked seeing anyone cry. He hated seeing people or animals sad and he always tried to help anyone who he could.

"I'm fine.." Louis whispered before clearing his throat. He placed his hands on his lap and fiddled with his thumbs. "What all do you remember exactly?" He asked, wanting to know if Harry could remember anything. Harry looked over at Louis and smiled a small smile. "I remember Nick.. My boyfriend.." He awkwardly told Louis. He knew that Louis said that they were together, but Harry had no idea who he was. He only remembered Nick. Louis frowned even deeper and looked up at Harry. Harry knew Nick? But he met Nick while they were together.. Did Harry forget Louis and the band? Louis didn't know how, or if, he could handle his boyfriend having memory loss and only remembering the guy that he cheated with. It hurt Louis inside and out. 

"Harry, Nick isn't your boyfriend.. I am.. I bought us engagement rings and everything.." He whispered, pointing at Harry's ring and his own. He wanted Harry to remember, but Harry didn't Harry didn't know who he was or that they were ever together, yet he remembered the man that he cheated with. He didn't know how to feel. He didn't know if he should feel upset because Harry couldn't remember him, just remembered Nick, or if he should be happy because he could remember something and that was good. That meant that Harry was on the road of hopefully remembering everything.

So, I updated this story today.. I hope that you guys enjoyed it and I apologize for how short it is. Remember to vote, comment and fan for quicker updates. 

AND, whoever gets this question right will get a dedication to my next chapter on whichever story I update next:

What is the difference between being hungry and being horny?

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