Account Name: 8/10
Whenever I see your account name, I imagine Twaimz saying it while flipping me off😂😂Username: 9/10
Sometimes I feel like one too...Bio: 7.5/10
Very long, but I did read the whole thing! Some funny parts, relatable parts, and inspiring things as well!Location: 9/10
All I can say is, TRUE DAT B***H!Profile Picture: 10/10
So sassy, so beautiful, so true. QUEEN🙌🏻Background: 8/10
Same lol.Covers: 10/10
Oh my god ur covers are lit. Teach me your ways!Total Score: 61.5/70
Umm, can I have your profile?! Cuz it killed me! Since I am now dead, I must go... But great job! likeoneoftheguys