And ive fallen...a bit too hard

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Roni's P.O.V

And boom! his lips crashed on mine,not kissing,just touching,but his lips were so freaking soft! i enjoyed this moment so i decided to take it a step further,i kissed him and he kissed back.Our lips moving in perfect sync.. Dayuum,this boy IS good at kissing,no wonder he's always got a hoe round. I know i shouldnt be doing this,kissing Justin while im going out with Cody,but.. me and Cody havent had a special moment or kiss in a long time,and only cause im a girl doesnt mean i dont get needy! i would like a romanticly passionate kiss or a cute date once in a while you know! But now im so confused! i hate Justin,but theres something about him that makes me fall for him more and more every seond. I pulled away speechless,not sure whether its cause the kiss was so good or because i Just kissed someone im meant to hate. Me and Justin both stood there looking into eachothers eyes,both in sock! "wow, um,sorry,i-" Justin stared to say "yeah,same,um not sure what just happened but yeah" i replyed still stunned.

"why did you kiss me in the first place?" i asked as i sat next Justin on the sofa. "Just to cheer you up i guess" he said and that broke my heart into a thouand pieces,that kiss just meant nothing to him,the guy i seem to be falling for Just broke my heart and the weirdest thing is, i dont even like him. "Right,so i just bsically cheated on cody with you and it meant nothing?" istood up frustrated "well dont tell me it actually meant anything to you,i mean after all we dont hate eachother and i never take kisses seriously" he said also getting up. im pretty sure i had tears in my eyes by now " oh so all those time people call you a manwhore,well i guess they're right. Its funny how your so called 'beliebers' think youre all romantic and is a perfect boyfriend but all you really do is mess with girl,you dont actually love them,you just want the sex,wow, i see how it is Bieber" i cried and ran to my room

Justins P.O.V

wow,is all i can say at the moment,it kinda hurt when she said all that stuff,i mean,i am i good boyfriend,i just havent found the right girl yet!But im so confused,Roni and I have been eniemies for years and now apparently that kiss just meant something to her? I mean,the kiss actually was perfect,her lips taste amazing and shes a great kisser,probably the bestkiss ive had since a year or so! But,i hate her! i cant just fall for my enemy because of one flawless kiss! i have to snap out of this,

I went out,over to Chaz's, i can alway rely on him. "....and now i dont know what to do!" i finished explaining what happened to Chaz. "wow,dude,how do you feel about her?" he asked "well,i do like her,shes so sweet and beautiful,has a great personality,her eyes twinkle like stars andher smile is priceles-" i got cut off by Chaz "DUDE, you love her!!" Chaz shouted inmy face smirking "do not" i shouted back "you do Justin,just tell her!" he said £but,ive just hurt her and we've been enemies for like 8 years and now i just go upto her and be like 'hey Roni i love you!' ?" i said "mate,you cant control your heart,go for it and seehow she reacts!" he said... "Chaz?" i said "yeah" he replyed £we forgot one thing..She has a boyfriend!!" i shouted,getting abit upset now. "oouch" said Chaz. "anyway bro im gonna go now,see if Ronis alright" i said and giving him a bro hug and leaving.

I got home and crept upstairs,i went upto Ronis room,her doors open a bit and i could hear her read out what shes writing in her diary " Hey diary,ive kissed him,i swear the kiss was perfect,ive never had such a brilliant kiss with Cody,but the worst thing is its with Justin,ive fallen for him so hard but the kiss just meant nothing to him,just another kiss from just another hoe. No matter how hard i try to hate him,theres always those thing i cant forget about,such as how perfect his hair is,or how beautiful his eyes are and what a perfect smile and chuckle he has. urgh! i wish i could just get over him...but i cant..i-i think i love him"

WOW! now that was deep, but also good. Now i know she likes me back but,im not sure whether to confess my  love for her or not,i mean if she ignores it i know shes hurt,but i cant do it! i mean one,shes with Cody,and im not gonna get into their relationship and two;Codys like my best bro im not gonna just steel his girl!

i knocked on the door to Ronis room "come in" she said and chucked the diary across the room and fake smiled,with dry tears down her cheeks. i sat next to her on the bed and took a deep reath in "look Roni,that kiss did mean something,it meant so much to be honest,yourr perfect in every single way! and i-i dont know how i could hate you! and im not a manwhore Roni im Just trying to find the right girl and i promise you i can be a perfect boyfriend,i will care for you and stick up for you,i will introduce you to all my friends and show you off becaue i'ld be proud to have a girlfriend like you. I would take you on walks in the moon light in the parkor along the shore,we could cuddle in bed and i would kiss you and cherish you, i'ld sing your fave songs at night so you'ld fall asleep,i would try to make ou relationship perfect. Ive been trying to find the perfect girl all around the world but i had one with me all my life. Roni i love you" I finally said


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I Hate Him! Or Do I? *Justin Bieber Story*Where stories live. Discover now