Loving Dares! ; )

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Loving Dares! ; )

Yay we're back! ^.^

Jinx: Hmph! -.-

o-o Admin you okay? O.o

Jinx: Lalalalalalal!!!...Hmph!

...Izzy, is the Admin ignoring me? O.O

Izzy: * shrugs * how should i know?

Jinx: * hands a note*

Izzy: Ugh * Reads* " How dare you Lizy eat ice cream cake without me! I thought we where ice cream buddies! Beside you didn't even share to all the lovely people who read and leave questions or dares! They're the one's who truly made this book to 70 chapters! Ya know what? I like Izzy more! And I'd totally be over with the evil peeps in there book but somehow i am already here" ....Sweet! The Admin joined my side!

Jinx: to be honest never really been on a " side "...just the Admin...

* laughing * You think i'd eat ice cream cake without ya? That's silly!

Jinx: I know you went with Manic!

Well yeah...but we only ate the bottom layer! We made sure to leave the tipity top for ya! I know it's ur favorite!

Both: Especially with a cherry on top!

Jinx: Jinx! ^.^

o.o darn....but of course we saved you cake! And to all the readers! ^.^ it's 7 layers! Me and Manic just ate the last one...making it 6 layers...i mean, i can't make it 70. That's too much and not enough time...so cake? : D

Jinx: CAKKKEEEE!!!! >.<

Izzy: and she's back...alright Lizy questions! * reads*

Luigigurl1987 :
Are u by any chance in love with Mr.L?

Mr.L?! O.o no..i love Boo! >.< He's so cute...and dreamy..and handsome...and...* goes on and on *

Izzy: UGH! We get it!

Opps! Might bad! But no i am not in love with him...I'd take his hat, like how i like to take Luigi's but....it suits more of Izzy style then mine...

Izzy: O_o what?

Yeahhh...i dunno...i think I'll stick to my rainbow L hat! ^.^ or simply my crown! : D Hey Izzy...are you in love with Mr.L? * wink wink nudge nudge *

Izzy: No...L-l...oo....uhh...

Jinx: * eating cake* Are you trying to say love? O.o

Admin it's rude to eat with your mouth full!

Izzy: Yeah that...it's a strong word...but he's super cool! Ya know the whole green thunder....and yeah...but no i don't....whatever that word is!

Weird....she said the word last chapter...

Jinx: Ikr....

Izzy: -_-

Well how about you Admin?

Jinx: I am with Izzy...i don't love him...but he's super cool! ^.^ Like i really want the game he's in...I've played the first Paper Mario, it's my fav! : D i haven't played any of the other ones....: ( but I've read fan fiction and seen youtube videos of him, he's great! : D

* nods * Yup...more questions! ^.^ * reads*

ThisIsBerk :
Thanks for the credit!! But omg I haven't been in this book for so long! How long? I have to start asking questions!! I gotta think ^-^

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