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Unexpected. That's what the occurrence of Bella Swan at the Black Household was. And strange. And a numerous amount of other things but one thing it wasn't, was unwelcome.

Colton's eyes enlarged to the size of saucers when she saw the burnt orange Chevy parked just outside of her kitchen window while she was washing up after making herself lunch. A tiny Bella- who was looking even smaller compared to the large body of Colton's pubescent cousin Jacob- stood just beside the ancient vehicle. They were talking and while there was a great amount of animation of Jacob's side, Bella still remained slightly limp even despite the wave of energy Colton couldn't only assume was the reason for this spontaneous visit.

She had been suspicious of Bella's behaviour ever since she had gotten back from a movie night with Jessica which Colton couldn't attend due to the fact that she was struck with a fever and breaking bones. It had been a few days since then and Colton had been watching her friend with a great amount of caution ever since that night. Her mood had changed dramatically. Colton wasn't sure if 'lifted' was the right adjective to explain it but she was definitely more driven by something. Something that Colton knew had to do with Noah. His distant memory seemed to be the only thing tethering Bella to world and that scared Colton to no ends. What she was willing to do to hold onto Noah was what truly terrified her because Colton knew from personal experience, the Cullen boys left a searing wound and despite her supernatural healing, she had only began to scar over so she could only imagine what it was like for frail, human Bella.

Thi visit was an even greater cause for suspicion because since she got back, Colton had been the one making an effort to see Bella out of school because Bella sure as hell wasn't putting any effort into anything but missing Edward. That counted actually living. But now she was here, looking particularly more chipper and bearing the gift of two, disembodied and run down motorbikes.

"You bringing us scrap metal now Bells?" Colton questioned as she stepped through the front door and onto the muddy ground, ringing her hands on a dishtowel as she went.

Bella turned away from Jacob and gave Colton a cracked smile that she was rather shocked by, it was a thin smile, almost see-through but it was still something. "I saved them from the scrap yard and I was about to ask Jacob here if he wouldn't mind helping me fix them."

"Why didn't you ask me first?" Colton scoffed, feigning offensive as she took her place beside her cousin. "I did teach this little squirt everything he knows."

Jacob rolled his eyes and swatted Colton's hand away before it could attempt to pat his head. "Yeah right; you taught me the basics but you're old now Cole, "He then flexed his newly acquired muscles. "And you've been outgrown."

"You might be taller than me, but you'll forever be a squirt." Colton slapped the back of his head for emphasis causing him to flinch and then scowl at her.

Bella couldn't help but grin at their banter before clearing her throat gaining the cousins attention. "I think they'll cost more to fix than they're worth . But then I thought if I mechanic friends to help me out then."

"Us being the mechanic type friends," Jacob interrupted with a boyish grin that despite his ever enlarging form, made him appear to be the 16-year-old he actually was.

"That's right," Bella spoke quietly, her presence timid and weak compared to that of the over confident and playful Blacks who were still taking small jabs at each other.

Colton winced slightly when a finger was shoved into her ribs and turned to Bella as she swatted away Jacob's advancing hand. "Since when are you into motorcycles?"

"Since now," She said allusively and with little reassurance. "I get it if you guys think this is really stupid and reckless.

Colton couldn't help but feel hesitant towards her friend's sudden interest in all things 'stupid and reckless,' and knew for a fact that it somehow stemmed back to Noah, not that she was sure how restoring motorcycles somehow helped her reconnect with her ex-boyfriend.

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