[Mercy X Reader] Trying to have a normal life

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Ok guys and gals I don't really know how in doing so leave me some feedback my friends have told me I'm doing good but I want to hear it from you the people of Wattpad

                                                        You and Mercy the both woke up it's around 6AM

Both of you are laying in bed looking at one another just relaxing, you hear footsteps seems as this person has some gear on

*Knock Knock Knock*"ItsMcreed Can I come in ?" (You and Mercy both look at one another and you get up and let Mcreed in)

"Howdy Partner hows it been going old lad,"Mcreed says to you

You reply with a humble a simple I've been good happy to be with Mercy again missed her a lot and all of you"

(Mercy gets up and Stretches And gives you a smile whilelist You And Mcreed Look over at her

She walks over and scruffs you hair and kisses the top of you head you give her a little laugh) "Mcreed Gives you a look like he needs to tell you something Mercy walks out of the room into the bathroom to get ready for the day whilelist you and mcreed are talking

Mcreed And You

 Mcreed says "You Two are together?? I didn't have a clue" (He was kinda shocked but was happy for you and her)

You Reply with "Yea She knew I liked her but never did i think I could ever be with her"

Mercys Pov on what she thinks You and Mcreed Are talking about

Well, I do know that Mcreed didn't know that Me and (Insert your name here) are together even though we have walked down the main drag (Hall in this case still) but he hasn't been around much I'm surprised this hasn't gotten around yet.

2Hours roll by and The whole team is in the training room

Winston Is Speaking And dividing up teams to have a training routine the Teams are

Team Blue: Mercy,Reinheart,You And Genji

Team Red: Mei,D.va,Tracer,Mcreed

Winston Explains the rules

1. The First team to be eliminated loses 

Thats the rules Go to battle Formation(You all go to your starting area and armor up)

Mercy Grabs her Staff of healing and Her pistol

ReinHeart Grabs his massive fucking rocket hammer and Ignites the Rocket boosters on the back

You Grab your 50Cal Submachine guns Dual Wielding them bitches because you are a badass

The Count down Began 5 4 3 2 *KA MOTHERFUCKING BOOOOOOM BITCH*

A uncalled for explosion attacked the hideout it was the One and only Reaper And WidowMaker they dont know what the hell they just walked into

You all Turn and Rain Hell fire on them Reinheart Is Shielding you while Mercy Gives you a damage boost

Tracer is zipping around Distracting Widowmaker while you Lay hell fire on Reaper

Reaper goes into DeathBlossem ReinHearts Sheild is Low and Mercy You and ReinHeart are pinned down untill his DeathBlossom is Over  you tell Mercy To Heal you While you Give him hell ReinHeart Follows you.

Tracer And WidowMaker are Battling to the death

Mcreed Uses Dead eye but somehow misses WidowMaker He is Puzzled But Mei is Trying to freeze her but gets pinned down

D.va's  Mech Is locking up She forgot to greese it when you came into her room last night.

It was up to you to Stop Reaper

You went into full rage mode Fucking everything up in your path Reaper never stood a chance you fucked him up all that was left was a mask and his guns

Widowmaker Looked astonished when you Gunned down Reaper, You turned and looked at her with blood covering you she reeled herself back to the Talon you hail the talon with a blaze of bullets the talon is barely holding on but flys away and retreats and dont reatalliate

You look around With a Twitch in your eye and see Mercy Standing there Shocked and awed And the rest of the team looking at you,

You turn around and walk to Mercy's Room and clean up then lay down eyes wide open waiting......

Hours Later Nearing Night time

You Hear the door open up slowly its Mercy She walks in the room and looks at you.

You slowly lean up but she steps forward and pushes you back onto the bed you lay there looking at her You say to her "Mercy what are you doing?"

She dosnt say anything but just lays down beside you and sleeps but your awake just looking at her just watching her sleep all night you stayed up watching her She awoke to you watching her sleep she askes you

"Have you even slept love?" You reply with "No I haven't I made sure you were going to sleep. well as you saw from yesterday i went awall and looked like a psychopath but i wanted to make sure that you slept well im fine i made sure you are good and stable, you know i love you and would never want to you think im crazy or psychotic

Everone meets in the main drag (HallWay in this case agian)

Winston Mercy and you say to everyone gathered in the drag ( hall )

Winston Speaks First Telling everyone good job on fighting they hit us at the wrong time and now its only Widowmaker we have to worry about

You step forward and say "Well as you know it i went awall Yesterday I was fed up with that fight and wanted to end it quick so i did im sorry if i frighten anyone of you but as you know it Mercy and I are still one Im in stable condition and can control myself No one should see me that way agian unless one of you have gotten hurt I have all of you Backs But i must give ReinHeart Credit His  shied and support is amazing all of you helped not a one of you backed down."

Mercy Stepped Forward and Said" As (Yournamehere) Said Him and I Are together I will be here for anyone of you same as him we all must have one anothers backs to stay Strong."

I hope you love my stories as much as i do i hope to Have one more battle and then its all settled down the fighting i will continue this story for a long time i hope you all enjoy it


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